Monday, May 6, 2024
Partner PostsWhat Makes A Good Custom AC Filter? 

What Makes A Good Custom AC Filter? 

Every homeowner should take their home’s indoor air quality seriously. A home with poor air quality can cause respiratory illnesses and generally impact the health of your family members. Excellent air quality requires a properly functioning AC unit. You need these gadgets, especially during hot and humid days to cool your home. Unfortunately, ACs can’t work without filters. Filters eliminate pollutants, and ensure you breathe clean air. They also keep the unit running effectively.? 

Photo by Álvaro Bernal on Unsplash

Choosing an AC filter can be difficult if you’re not a professional. There are many factors that you should consider before selecting the right filter. The good news is that custom air filters can make your selection work less stressful. These filters are created, depending on the air quality you want to achieve, your AC’s type, and its size. In this article, you’ll learn about three things that make a good custom AC filter.? 

1. Correct Size 

Your filter does a great job of keeping allergens and dust particles away from the air you breathe. For your unit to function optimally, it requires a correctly sized filter. A filter that is too small may fail to capture dust particles, bacteria, pet dander, and other contaminants from the air. This may cause you to breathe dirty air and fall sick.? 

Custom air filters are made depending on your unit’s size. Before installation, a professional will measure your unit’s inches, depth, width, and length. They’ll also ensure that the filter doesn’t leave any spaces around the sides. Depending on the contaminants you want it to filter out, they may recommend a filter with a greater thickness. Most filters installed in residential units are one inch thick. However, if you live in an area with a lot of dust, a four-inch thick filter may serve your needs perfectly. 

2. Filtration Level 

You can install many types of filters in your AC. However, you can also opt for a custom-made filter, depending on your budget and values. ? 

You can ask a manufacturer to make you a disposable filter if you’re working on a low budget. Although these filters work well and can absorb many types of contaminants, you’ll need to replace them regularly, probably monthly. Washable filters can be ideal for you if you’re an eco-conscious homeowner. You only need to clean them often and replace them once a year. When ordering a custom air filter, let a professional come and examine your unit and your preferences. This way, they won’t make a filter that is too thick or thin for your setup. 

3. MERV Rating 

AC filters are made with different MERV ratings. The ratings span from 0-20 and get better the higher you go. A filter that has a rating of between 0-4 can get rid of dust particles, pollen, and other pollutants with big particles. However, it may not eliminate smaller viruses and bacteria. It’s recommended that you obtain a filter that has a rating of between 8 and 12. These filters will offer you excellent indoor air quality, and absorb about 95% of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and pet dander. Before obtaining a custom air filter, ensure you discuss the MERV rating with a professional to get the best filter for your needs. 

Summing Up 

Custom AC filters are designed to eliminate contaminants and improve your home’s indoor air quality. Your unit also needs these filters to operate effectively during the hot summer days. Contact a professional company to discuss your needs and obtain the best filter. 

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