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Partner PostsStudy Confirms HGH Safety

Study Confirms HGH Safety

Adults who are concerned over the safety of using HGH therapy to treat growth hormone deficiency need not worry. Multiple studies over the past few years have demonstrated recombinant HGH injection therapy to be safe when used as prescribed by a hormone specialist. At Kingsberg Medical you can get free and confidential consultation with a hormone specialist. Also, the latest study confirms HGH safety even in adults dealing with chronic nephrotic syndrome.

Nephrotic syndrome causes an excess of protein to be excreted in the urine. The kidneys filter excess water and waste from the blood supply. When clusters of small blood vessels (glomeruli) become damaged (due to numerous factors), they allow an excess amount of protein to leave the body. Problems stemming from this problem include elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, malnutrition, kidney disease, blood clots, high blood pressure, infections, and kidney failure or disease.

Image: Wikimedia Commons/Bill Branson

The results of the latest HGH study on 80 adults between the ages of 18 and 60 compared the use of HGH to Shenyankangfu tablets used in traditional Chinese medicine. Patients in China who received recombinant HGH therapy saw the following results:

  • Faster improvement of clinical symptoms
  • Better protein metabolism regulation
  • Reduced inflammatory response in the body
  • High safety and fewer adverse reactions than tablets

Results of Studies on Recombinant HGH Therapy for Adults

In Italy, another promising study confirms HGH safety for adults using HGH medication Omnitrope. As a reminder, all the top brands of HGH carry the same level of safety and efficacy. The PATRO study on adults is an ongoing global study conducted in several European countries. This current data comes from Italian patients taking part in the study.

67 patients averaging 50.4 years of age participated in the Italian study as of August 2015. The study began in 2007. As of current analysis, 15 patients discontinued use for numerous reasons. Adverse effects reported as part of the HGH study results included:

Adverse EffectNumber (percentage)
Arthralgia6 (9.0)
Asthenia5 (7.5)
Insomnia4 (6.0)
Headache3 (4.5)
Back Pain2 (3.0)
Hypokalaemia2 (3.0)
Muscle Spasms2 (3.0)
Myalgia2 (3.0)
Osteopenia2 (3.0)
Paraesthesia2 (3.0)
Weight Increase2 (3.0)
Image: Pixabay

No serious adverse effects were related to the study medication. The only malignancy reported during the study was the development of basal cell carcinoma in one patient and was not considered drug-related. The patient was cured of the malignancy. Two patients developed unrelated diabetes mellitus during HGH treatment.

Upon analysis of this study, it is believed that HGH therapy is well tolerated in growth hormone deficient adults. No link to the development of diabetes, malignancy, or other safety issues has been found at this time. Omnitrope has been proven effective and safe for adult use. Other recommended brands of HGH include Norditropin, Humatrope, Zomacton, Genotropin, and Saizen.

How to Ensure the Safety of HGH

To ensure HGH safety, always work with an experienced hormone specialist to receive diagnostic testing and treatment of growth hormone deficiency. Take the recombinant HGH medication as prescribed and do not alter the dosage or frequency of treatment without authorization. Your doctor knows best how to determine proper HGH therapy dosage.

Always purchase your HGH medications from licensed US pharmacies to ensure safety. You want to avoid any risk of tampering, counterfeit medications, or toxic ingredients that can occur when buying HGH from overseas companies online.

On a final note, a new, ongoing study confirms HGH safety when using an experimental long-term version of HGH developed by Novo Nordisk. The new medication is a once-weekly injection of HGH as compared to daily injections. Clinical trials are currently underway.

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