Sunday, May 19, 2024
Partner Posts Online CBD Shops Taking Europe by Storm

 Online CBD Shops Taking Europe by Storm

Cannabidiol has slowly taken the European market by storm. It was once and unknown quantity with many people claiming how it helped with seizures and other issues normal medicine couldn’t.

This led to a group of shops selling legal cannabis all over Europe and particular online. The catch is these variations are unable to get you high because they have a low THC.

THC is the main psychoactive component in Marijuana that gives the sensation of being high.

It has become a force in main stream medicine to help calm people as well as other medicinal benefits such as a treatment for anxiety, depression, a natural pain reliever and a potent anti-inflammatory.

CBD has a low level of THC and meets the legal limit in most countries is 0.2% although some countries have higher limits.
Cannabis flower shops in many Europeans countries as they are considered by law to be industrial hemp and thus have grown under license and are approved as long as they meet the legal limit.
CBD oil
Photo by CBD Infos on Unsplash
It is now seen as the best way to treat severe forms of epilepsy or multiple sclerosis (MS) however, there is no guarantee you will get a prescription via the NHS as it is so difficult, which is why so many people end up having to buy CBD oil.
Currently it is only being prescribed to children and adults with rare, severe forms of epilepsy; adults with vomiting or nausea caused by chemotherapy and people with muscle stiffness and spasms caused by multiple sclerosis (MS).

Epidyolex is a highly purified liquid containing CBD, which is prescribed to children with severe forms of epilepsy.

While, Nabilone is prescribed to many chemotherapy patients by as specialist to relive the symptoms of sick or vomit when no other treatments have helped or are not suitable.

Many people having chemotherapy will have periods where they feel sick or vomit.

MS patients are given a spray called Nabiximols (Sativex) that is put into the mouth to help when no other treatment has not helped them get better.


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