Friday, May 3, 2024
Partner PostsCan Tradespeople Enter My Home for Renovation Work?

Can Tradespeople Enter My Home for Renovation Work?

In the heat of COVID-19, homeowners are wondering if it is safe yet to have some work done in their homes, such as remodelling and renovation projects or repairs of malfunctioning appliances. While certain precautions remain in place, you can still get those essential jobs done in your home.

Tradespeople are allowed to handle repair and maintenance jobs in people’s homes provided they are healthy and show no symptoms of the virus.

The exceptions remain: households with individuals observing a compulsory isolation process or in homes where a possible carrier is being shielded. Exceptions can be made for emergencies which if not remedied, present a direct threat to the safety of an individual or the family at large.

Tradespeople can now carry out repairs
Healthy tradespeople can now carry out repairs. Photo by Blaz Erzetic on Unsplash

In any of the above cases, Public Health England can advise. No sick tradesperson should be allowed to carry out any repairs if they show the slightest symptoms of coronavirus.

Economic Ramifications of COVID-19 on Tradespeople

Recent research carried out by, a personal finance comparison website, showed that 86% of British citizens plan to boost spending on plumbing, building, painting, gardening, and decorating works or maintain the pre-lockdown status-quo. This means that the reduction in consumer spending expected to occur over the coming 12 months is unlikely to affect Tradespeople.

Can I Have Workmen in my home at this time?

Yes, you can have workmen who are not showing any symptoms of the coronavirus in any degree in your home.

Reviews made on the 23rd of June to the already changing COVID-19 regulation in England by Boris Johnson, allowed more social meetings between friends and family and to encourage business growth and get people back to work.

Some tradespeople can provide “over the phone” service that is effective. Depending on the nature of the job, they can attend to your needs without being physically present in your home. Some internet video call options may help with these remote solutions: Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc. are some of the options available to you.

When a visit from a tradesperson is inevitable, here are a few measures to apply;

  • Maintain social distancing and ensure that there is no physical contact. In cases where you cannot maintain a 2-metre distance, The Prime Minister says you could maintain a distance of “1 metre plus”.
  • Apply hand sanitisers regularly or follow the hand-washing rule; wash for 20 seconds with soap and water.
  • Avoid touching your face except after you just washed your hands.
  • If you feel you need to cough or sneeze, use tissue paper and dispose of the used tissue paper properly afterwards.
  • Surfaces and objects that are constantly touched; door handles, light switches, table tops, and so on. should be cleaned and disinfected constantly.

Rules for Tradespeople

  • Avoid any household with self-isolating, shielding, or symptomatic individuals.
  • It is best to reject a cup of tea or biscuits politely at this time.
  • Clean your hands with hand sanitisers after every contact with a frequently touched surface like doorknobs, or the handle of your van.
  • Tradespeople are advised to invest in a COVID-19 PPE. In cases where this isn’t obtainable, wearing face masks is the next best thing especially in cases where you are not alone in a van.
  • Whatever happens, maintain social distancing rules and avoid the customary handshake after a deal.

“Information correct as of 5th July 2020”

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