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Partner Posts5 Best Books on Artificial Intelligence

5 Best Books on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has penetrated almost all the industries of the world and its power now and in the future cannot be underrated. Aside from enhancing operational efficiencies, AI has the power to simulate the human mind in just about any industry. That said, the future of AI is literally incomprehensible but scientists, researchers, experts, professionals, and others are taking it a step at a time. Some have already envisioned it while others are still coming to grips with the basics. 

Whichever level one is, it is not enough to undertake an AI and machine learning course. There is much more to be discovered in books, research papers, and other texts. Many more books are still being created in the minds of their authors to show that there is no limit to scientific discovery. Here are five books that will open you up to artificial intelligence in a whole new dimension.  

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  • Artificial Intelligence By Example

Author:  Denis Rothman

Originally Published: 2018

Important: For this book to deliver the value it holds, one needs to be well versed with Python programming language and have previous statistical knowledge. 

About the book 

This is the place to start for those who are not only interested in knowing what AI is all about but also how it works. 

The 492-page book covers, not all, but a good deal of AI fundamental concepts including machine learning, deep learning, artificial neural networks, and goes ahead to explore how AI interlinks with emerging technologies like IoT and Blockchain. It features AI algorithms and real-world AI use cases like the chess engine and cognitive NLP chatbots and offers practical guidelines for designing and implementing AI solutions. 

Artificial Intelligence by Example is an invaluable resource for developers of all calibers and technology consultants who want to challenge themselves to apply AI concepts in designing effective models/solutions for the real-life human problems they encounter by learning how to think adaptively.

  • Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies 

AuthorNick Bostrom

Originally Published: 2014

Important: In the month of August of the same year that it was published, Superintelligence ranked 17 on New York Times best-selling science books for the month. This book is best for those who are interested in the future of AI. 

About the book:  

If you have been asking yourself critical questions about whether artificial intelligence is superior to human intelligence, whether it will surpass human intelligence in the coming days, or about the potential risks it poses to human civilization, Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom breaks it down for you with an eye on the limitations of AI at present and its future potential. In his book, just like the title suggests, he takes you through the journey of AI right to where it ought to be in the future. He also explores the potential dangers of AI to humanity if superintelligent machines are to replace humans as the dominant lifeform on earth. Yes, Bostrom points out the dangers of developing superintelligent machines not to denigrate the value of AI but to open up room for serious further research on safe AI design. 

While this book has drawn a lot of criticism from technology experts, researchers, and other experts, the truth that, if AI advancement is not checked, its impact on humanity will do more harm than the good expected of it, remains.


  • The AI Advantage: How to Put the Artificial Intelligence Revolution to Work 

AuthorThomas H. Davenport 

Originally Published: 2018

Important: In AI lies a high value and undeniable return on investment for businesses. This is the book that futuristic businesses, large or small, need to get a hold of not just to unearth the potential of AI in their operations but also, to adopt it effectively.

About the book:  

Let’s first get this clear, this book is not a technical guide but a general guide to a technical topic for business leaders and owners who intend to learn more about AI and its advantages. The power of AI is, to many, hype and a misconception that this book seeks to demystify. Davenport systematically takes us through how far AI has advanced, its limitations and capabilities so far, and the future ahead. He dissects different subsets of AI and offers practical guidelines on how AI can be integrated into business processes. 

He also illustrates how large corporations like Google are harnessing the power of and contributing to AI advancement and then goes ahead to outline various strategies that a business can employ to adopt AI technology at scale. Overall, Davenport emphasizes the importance of using practical AI approaches to solve the ‘now’ and not far off problems. Towards the end, this book does mention AI jobs, skills, and ethics.

  • Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI

Author:  H. James Wilson and Paul R. Daughtery 

Originally Published: 2018

Important: The key takeaway in this book is that artificial intelligence is an indispensable tool in business that works well to complement rather than replace human resources in the course of reimagining business operations. 

About the book

This book clearly and practically brings out how AI has taken over the business world and become a necessary tool. The authors provide valuable insight out of their experience in conducting research in 1,500 organizations of how these companies are incorporating AI in their business models to spur growth and profitability. 

It is clear that AI is not against human power. This book outlines roles for humans and machines that companies can adopt for effective AI/human collaboration to yield better capabilities. Ultimately business processes will be reimagined to become flexible enough to accommodate customer needs. 

This book presents a great read for CEOs who need inspiration in harnessing tried and tested AI concepts in their business structure to get the most out of it. 

  • The Singularity is Near 

Author: Ray Kurzweil 

Originally Published: 2005 

Important: A challenging and thought-provoking read for those who want to step into a well-researched and clearly detailed future vision of artificial intelligence in the mind of a refined scientist.  

About the book

Ray Kurzweil, author of The Age of Intelligent Machines, The Age of Spiritual Machines, and How to Create a Mind knows only too well how fast technology is advancing and understands its crucial role in the future of humanity. In his book, Kurzweil puts forward two concepts of technology. The concept of Singularity is near (which is what this book is all about) predicts the coming together of genetics, robotics, and nanotechnology into machines that are tremendously smarter than humans, which will then empower these very humans with exceptional intelligence, such that they will have the ability to duplicate humans’ consciousness. No one can possibly predict the transformation and capabilities of humans beyond the singularity. Kurzweil predicts that the future for singularity is not as far off as we would think it is given the exponential acceleration of technology towards it. This exponential technological progress explains the concept of accelerating returns in which technological evolution takes place at a very fast rate. 


Building a career in artificial intelligence takes more than studies and work experience. More information on the practical application and evolution of AI can be obtained by reading books. Books give one the knowledge that they would probably have never received anywhere and an even better ability to understand and implement AI concepts in real-life situations.

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