Thursday, May 2, 2024
Partner PostsHow to Deal with Insomnia During Covid-19 Times

How to Deal with Insomnia During Covid-19 Times

The Covid-19 pandemic has hugely disrupted the normal day to day life for many people in various parts of the world. With the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, it looks like things are not getting any better. People have lost their jobs and social life, health scares, and no income source. It is only natural that there is a lot of anxiety and depression during this pandemic due to our uncertainties it presents. Anxiety can lead to depression, which disrupts your sleeping routine. If you are currently struggling with insomnia due to the coronavirus pandemic, here are tips to help you cope and have a good restful night.

1.Seek Help

If you are going through bouts of anxiety due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, know that it is acceptable, and you are not alone. There are millions of people across the world undergoing anxiety and depression due to the pandemic. You can seek help from a mental health professional or your doctor if the situation weighs you down. Also, you can use a tDCS headset for effective and drug-free treatment. Read this tDCS headset review if you would like to have one to help you deal with insomnia and other mental health issues.

2.Create a Sleeping Schedule and A Routine

During these hard, abnormal times, having a routine can make things feel normal again. If you create a sleeping schedule, your body and mind will adapt to the routine. You can fall asleep early, rest for the recommended hours, and wake at the same every morning.

It does not matter whether you have a job, school, or other engagements. Treat your days as if you have normal daily commitments. As you keep on doing this, your body sets up an internal clock, and in return, it helps you have a quality sleep at night.

Photo by Fushion Medical Animation on unsplash

Additionally, create a relaxing pre-bedtime environment to make falling asleep easier. Turn off the screens and keep your phone away. Prepare your mind and body to sleep at least one hour before bedtime.

3.Avoid Napping During the Day

If you struggle catching sleep at night, avoid napping during the day. Napping robs you the hours of sleep at night. Keep yourself busy during the day to avoid napping. If you cannot do without a nap, make it short, not more than 20 minutes.

4.Eat Healthy and Stay Fit

Most people, when anxiety or stress strikes, they result to eating comfort food to find solace. Unfortunately, the comfort food that most people result in is unhealthy fatty foods, sugary foods, and junk. Eating unhealthy food does not help in relieving stress. Rather, it makes it worse. Eating such food makes it hard for you to fall asleep. Also, taking alcohol and caffeine in excess, especially later in the day, causes you to stay up at night for long. If you want to improve the quality of your sleep, start eating a healthy diet and cut down on caffeine and alcohol.

5.Keep Yourself Busy During the Day

Keep yourself busy during the day will exhaust your energy, and come night time, you will fall asleep much faster. You can exercise from your home or practice mindful meditation to help your mind and body relax. Also, you can take up new hobbies to keep you occupied during the day.

  1. Expose Yourself to Light

Exposing your body to enough light during the day can help you sleep better at night. The light-based cues positively impact the circadian rhythm. Even if you cannot go outside, ensure to open the windows and blinds to allow light to penetrate the house. However, it would be best to reduce your exposure to blue lights by reducing phone, computer, and the amount of time you spend watching TV.

  1. Deal with Worries

It is hard not to worry about everything that is going on with this pandemic. However, it would help if you tried hard to fight the negative thoughts. Worry and anxious thoughts can prevent you from sleeping well. To effectively deal with worries, you should set aside time to worry every day for about an hour. After this, do not entertain negative thoughts and teach yourself to postpone worries.


We are living in uncertain times brought about by the coronavirus. More people are getting affected by mental health issues, which negatively affects your sleeping patterns. If you have insomnia symptoms, take note of the above tips to enable stay healthy. If the situation does not get any better, you can seek professional help.

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