Sunday, May 5, 2024
Business5 Best CBD Pest Control Products in 2021

5 Best CBD Pest Control Products in 2021

Millions of people are benefiting from using CB products these days. Many states are lifting their previous restrictions on medical and recreational CBD and this is why it is now more readily available to Americans. At the same time, a growing number of states are making allowances for their citizens to cultivate their own CBD crops at home. This gives them easier access to CBD for treating numerous medical conditions. They also get the freedom to choose the strains that work best for their unique needs.

Photo by Enecta Cannabis extracts on Unsplash
Photo by Enecta Cannabis extracts on Unsplash

Growing and Making CBD at Home

CBD plants grow fairly quickly and transition from the vegetative state to the flowering stage in a relatively short amount of time. They’re also easy to take care of unlike some of the more finicky strains of the plant that require a great deal of upkeep. Many strains are also particularly resistant to pests and diseases. Still, none of them are immune to pests. Having a plant protectant on hand to ward off bugs and fungus can be immensely helpful.

Creating Your Own Natural Pest Control Products

Many CBD growers prefer to use natural pest control products as opposed to potentially harmful synthetic pesticides. You’ll find a selection of effective natural products from trusted seed banks. Some target specific plant problems whereas others offer well-rounded coverage. That being said, certain natural products you may already have at home can make for safe, effective pest control solutions as well.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a widely used natural pest deterrent. Bugs simply don’t care for the smell of it. If you spritz your plants with it, common pests will avoid them. You can also spray neem oil in the soil around your plants to help keep soil-bound pests at bay. Alternatively, you can work neem seed meal into the soil. It has the same effect while offering the added benefits of providing plant nutrients and promoting healthy bacterial activity in the soil.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is also a powerful pest deterrent. As you might imagine, it wards off a long list of plant pests from skunks to spittlebugs. To make a cayenne pepper spray to protect your plants, mix two tablespoons of cayenne powder, just like what you’d use in your gumbo, with a gallon of water and a few drops of standard dish soap. Let it sit overnight, stir it again, and put it in a spray bottle to spritz on the plants themselves. Wearing safety glasses, a mask, and gloves while you’re spraying the plants is a good idea. Getting cayenne spray in your eyes, nose and on your skin isn’t going to be a pleasant experience.


One way to keep pests from eating your CBD crop is to introduce their natural predators to your garden. Ladybugs may be cute and harmless to people and any plants, but they’re terrifying to many of the bugs that want to partake of your harvest. According to some lore, ladybugs bring good luck. That’s just what they’ll do to your home garden when used as a natural form of pest control.


Mint is well known for its ability to drive away pests, such as aphids and ants. If you use mint as a natural CBD pest control solution, be sure to plant it in its own pots and set them amongst the CBD plants rather than planting the two together. Mint can quickly take over a garden if left to its own.


As is the case with mint, placing basil plants strategically throughout your weed garden can help drive away many of the pests that might otherwise eat your crop. It has a strong aroma that certain bugs don’t enjoy at all. Besides, it’s always nice to have a supply of fresh basil on hand.

Protecting Your Crop with CBD Pest Control Products

Numerous CBD pest control products are on the market. Some are synthetic and can alter the aroma and flavor of your CBD plant. Others are completely natural and don’t have any harmful side effects to speak of. Certain options fall in the middle of the spectrum, and they’re the ones many trusted sources recommend for protecting your plants against unwelcome invaders.

It’s always ideal to go for natural solutions but it’s not the worst idea to go with synthetic solutions. What’s important is that you’ve done enough research on the product that you’d like to try to not waste any efforts in ensuring that your garden remains pest-free. When shopping for pest control products, always look for what other consumers have to say by doing a quick check online.

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