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Yuri Shafranik thinks that the IEF must broaden its outlook beyond hydrocarbons and CO2 emissions

The International Energy Forum (IEF) has been around for 30 years and it’s existed for much of Russian energy expert Yuri Shafranik’s career in the industry, both having accomplished much to be proud of.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

With 71 country members, the IEF’s influence is relevant and far reaching. The energy body also has access to a wealth of information and data that it uses to update the world about energy use and emissions forecasts that are essential to businesses and governments. However, while it has proved pivotal in the increased knowledge and understanding of energy costs, planning for future usage and the effects of energy production and use, now is the right time for the body to move decisively beyond a focus on hydrocarbons and CO2 emissions.

Of course, that’s not to say the IEF isn’t already discussing and analysing renewable and alternative energy at its meetings, events, workshops and other activities. It very much is. However, its own data and analysis shows that hydrocarbons are expected to be overtaken by other energy production by 2040. With less than 20 years to go until a time when oil and gas won’t be the main source of power in the world, many businesses, governments and consumers require more support and information to fully understand what that means – and indeed how it will affect them.

Beyond Hydrocarbons

Thanks to years of hard work based on information gathering and data analysis, the IEF has been instrumental in helping the world understand not only how demand for energy will change, but also the effects of energy sourcing and usage. They are far-reaching, beyond those views that were held in 1991 and, with that in mind, the IEF is well-placed to lead the world in understanding even more about new energy sourcing methods. That should include the future of sourcing those new energies and what the effect of them will be on climate change.

The IEF is a respected global platform collating important information on the topic of energy but for Russian energy expert Yuri Shafranik, it could do more to promote the topic of climate change and renewable energy through closer interaction between producers and consumers.

“The need for the IEF’s approach to energy is increasingly important on a global scale. However, a closer synchronisation of information, wants and needs of energy producers and consumers is required, or the potential future energy crisis could come sooner or be more difficult to reverse,” Shafranik said in a recent interview.

More Countries Should Promote Their Knowledge and Analysis Through the IEF

Many countries around the world, including Russia, the UK, the US and China, are all working towards more renewable energy sources and how and why they can be promoted on a national level. Each country also has a duty to ensure the most important elements of their data, research, analysis and planning, all of which are fed through to, and used by, the IEF.

Plans by the UK to substantially decrease CO2 emissions are regularly assessed, with a reduction in coal use and the growing numbers of wind farms among the success stories for the country. Meanwhile, China has also committed to a lower level of reliance on coal for energy which will help it achieve its target of carbon neutrality by 2060.

Russia too is working towards diversifying its energy usage and the development of alternative options. However, Russia is also home to a vast geography that includes every type of landscape and terrain, which means it has a multitude of data on climate change and the effects of different energy sourcing and usage – information it must promote through all possible channels, including the IEF.

“Russia has an urgent need, opportunity and potential to speak about climate change and submit its proposals – not in some narrowly focused sense, but also to address the climate agenda and, again, not just about oil but broader energy issues,” Yuri Shafranik said as he discussed the importance of embracing all aspects of energy production, usage and effects of both on the global environment.

With so much information and desire from countries around the world to move forward with a more diversified energy agenda, the IEF can become an even greater influence on global energy development. This would be of huge benefit to energy producers, consumers, governments and indeed most importantly, the environment.


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