Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Partner Posts3 Fun Family Activities That Will Make Your Kids Forget Their Screens

3 Fun Family Activities That Will Make Your Kids Forget Their Screens

The integration of tech into our daily lives has made us all accustomed to staring at screens. Parents work long hours, and kids are getting online earlier than ever. It can be hard to pull kids away from their devices, which can lead to becoming disconnected as a family. Here are three fun family activities to help get your kids out of cyberspace and into the real world.

Photo by Jessica Rockowitz on Unsplash

1. Snap Some Pix

Cameras are everywhere these days, and taking a great photo has never been easier. Since images are so important in our daily lives, it can be empowering for your kids to create some of their own. 

Teaching your kids how to take a great photo — composing the shot, getting the right lighting, etc. — can be a fun way to bond. And if you don’t know how to take one yourself, you can share the experience of learning together. Once everyone feels comfortable with their camera, set a night each week to share photos with each other. You might even vote on the best snapshot, with the winner getting to choose the family’s next outing or tomorrow’s dessert.

Disposable cameras are making a comeback with younger generations, and they’re an easy and affordable option to start taking pictures. However, they don’t have the benefit of immediately displaying your photos. Instead, a kids phone could let your children develop their creative eye while safely exploring their environment. Like a typical smartphone, these devices have a built-in camera, but they limit access to social media, games, or internet browsing.

You could take it one step further and “gamify” photography with a scavenger hunt! Have your kids find and take photos of five different kinds of plants, for example. You can even hide objects for them ahead of time and reward them with a small prize. Photo scavenger hunts are an easy way to engage your family and get them exploring. 

2. Break Out the Board Games

For some, the question “Want to play a game?” might trigger horrific childhood memories of endless Monopoly marathons. But board games exist in every style and theme you can think of and are the opposite of boring. There are classic Eurogames like Settlers of Catan, deck-building games like Dominion, and even eco-minded strategy games like Photosynthesis. With a multitude of options available, you can surely find a game to fit your family’s interests.

Plus, board games are more than just fun. They offer documented health benefits that continue into old age. Board games work both the left and right sides of the brain, yet your kids are unlikely to realize they’re exercising their minds. They’ll be having too much fun! But you never know — they could become the next Bobby Fischer.

Browse one of the many online guides that catalog and rate various games and see what catches your eye. Want an easy game for any age? Something tactile like Mancala or Connect 4 is perfect for younger children. How about an epic strategy game? In Scythe or Tapestry, you can build a new civilization if you’re able to out-compete and out-negotiate your rivals.

Board games can challenge your family to grow intellectually and socially. It can be easy to underestimate the connection some good old-fashioned fun creates. So dust off that chess set and wake up your family’s competitive spirit!

3. Get Cooking

Dinner is often the default time to connect as a family. But what about everything that comes before you eat? A great way to turn dinnertime into an intentional shared experience is to cook with your kids. The extra time spent together can be precious — and a relief if the parents are usually the ones doing the work.

Cooking is an essential life skill that everyone needs to learn. Not only is it necessary for feeding yourself, but it teaches patience, discipline, and responsibility. Learning how to cook early in life will even build your children’s self-esteem. Ultimately, it will develop their character and help them become fuller human beings.

And besides all that delicious, character-building goodness, you’ll also have more help in the kitchen. Keep in mind that it may be slow going at first. Your kids will have to learn the ropes if they’ve never cooked before. But be patient, and you might be amazed by how quickly they gain culinary skills. Some day, they might cook your family a meal entirely on their own!

Create the expectation of dinner as the part of the day you spend time together as a family. Explore your collective taste by making dishes from different cuisines, such as pizza, pho, or shepherd’s pie. The only limit is your imagination (and maybe some exotic ingredients). By cooking together, you could deepen your family’s connection while empowering your child at the same time. And don’t forget — doing the dishes can be a learning opportunity, too!

Make Time to Connect

With the ubiquitous presence of screens in everyday life, it’s easy to detach as a family. So it’s important to schedule time together. These activities will help you spend that time in fun and creative ways that can strengthen your family’s bond. You may even create new traditions for generations to come.

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