Monday, May 6, 2024
Partner PostsAdvantages of smile in a day dental implants

Advantages of smile in a day dental implants

One day dental implants are a great way to achieve a winning smile, as well as giving you the confidence to eat the foods you love – without restriction.

This one day smile solution is a long-lasting one, which can be truly life-changing. Using innovative techniques and state-of-the-art technology, one day dental implants do exactly what they promise – and are fitted in just one day.

Let’s take a closer look at why one day dental implants are an excellent choice if you are living with a challenging dental situation.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

What are one day dental implants?

Smile in a day dental implants are secured into place in the jaw and feature a precision-engineered bridge of natural looking teeth, attached to four – or sometimes six – implants, which is made completely bespoke to you and your oral requirements.

Mimicking the roots of real teeth, these dental implants stimulate bone growth – a process called ossification – ensuring that they are firmly fixed into the jaw and cannot move or fall out. It takes approximately three months for this process to complete and, at this point, the final prosthesis is fitted – known as final restoration.

One day dental implants offer the following:

  • Teeth and smile restored in just one day
  • Securely fixed in place like natural teeth
  • Function as ‘real teeth’ giving you the ability to eat, taste and enjoy food
  • Enhances your smile
  • Improves oral health

Am I suitable for one day dental implants?

So, if you’re interested in the concept of one day dental implants and what they can do for you, you will need to find out your suitability. You will be suitable if you:

  • Suffer with chronic periodontal (gum) disease
  • Have undergone extensive dental work including bridges and crowns
  • Been told that your only option is to wear dentures
  • Struggle with missing, failing or rotten teeth
  • Have experienced bone loss as a result of missing teeth

There are not many reasons why you would not be suitable for dental implants, but it’s always worth doing your research and speaking to implant clinics who are highly experienced in this procedure.

What happens on the day of the procedure?

Once you have completed your research and settled on the right clinic for you, you will then be asked to attend on surgery day for your one day dental implants. Depending on which clinic you choose, they will have slightly different ways of doing things, but at EvoDental, for example, the plan for the day is the same for everyone.

Arriving in the morning, you will firstly undergo extraction of your remaining teeth, before being taken back to a private room where you can rest for a couple of hours before having the implant surgery.

Later on in the day, experienced dentists will then place the four implants (or six, if you require extra implants), with the precision-engineered bridge, which will have been produced by talented dental technicians. Once you’re comfortable, you will then be able to go home to fully recover in the comfort of your own home.

It’s as simple as that!

What do one day dental implants cost?

The cost of one day dental implants can vary and again, it’s down to the clinic that you visit. However, on average, it can cost £11,000 for one jaw or approximately £20,000 for both, with additional costs incurred for more complex cases, including staged treatments (having to return more than once to have the implantation completed) and IV sedation.

So, if you’re interested in having one day dental implants, take a look at the clinics out there that provide this service. And, if you are looking for complete jaw dental restoration, then EvoDental should be your first port of call. Offering a 90-minute free consultation, during which they will take a conebeam CT (CBCT) scan of your mouth to get an accurate picture of your dental situation, their friendly and knowledgeable staff are on hand to answer any queries you may have.

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