Saturday, June 15, 2024
Partner PostsStaying active

Staying active

When people grow old they tend to become less active. This is of course a logical thing. When they are young, they have a very connected place within society. They are in a college or something of the likes, or are working. They make connections, get married, have kids and meet many people along the way.
When this falls apart your social life becomes less active. Your children will leave your house and perhaps even move across the country and your friends slowly start to pass away. It can occur that you are left lonely without many people around you, and then perhaps even your husband will have passed away. It is important to not stay inside sad, but to stay active, to keep looking for places with people around.

Go dating
Something that you can do is go dating again. For example try joining an over 60s dating site, like This way you will be able to meet other people around your age, who will be likely to be in a similar position in life, creating an atmosphere where you can both understand each other’s problems with ease and will not have much difficulty relating to each other’s world. Perhaps you will find a new love of your life doing this, or just some new friends. In any case, you will meet new people, who are like everybody looking for companionship and people to live with. Humans are social animals after all, who cannot live in complete solitude.

Pursue previous goals
Have you ever had a goal in mind that you couldn’t pursue at the time? Then now, when you’re old and in retirement it is worth considering pursuing it. Though of course if that goal is to become extremely good at a certain sport, that might not be so easy anymore. But for example writing, or making music are things that can be done up until high ages. One is never too old to create art, to be active creating stuff. Creation is something that is very rewarding for many people and something that can add a lot of sense of purpose to one’s life. Writing actual meaningful texts, unlike this one, even if they never get read by anyone, more like this one, it can be valuable to create them. Even if only for yourself, it can be very good to write down your thoughts, or creative ideas, simply as an output of creativity.

Don’t stay inside
Important is to never fall into the mindset ‘I am too old to do anything’. You’ll always be able to do something, add something to the world, even if only something very small. Your age should never stop you from going outside and shouldn’t force you to sit behind plants all day. Stay active as long as you can at the things you like to do, at the things where your passion is to be found, like art, or sports, or whatever it is that drives you.

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