Monday, May 20, 2024
Partner Posts5 Incredible Aspects Of Love That Will Increase Your Loving In Relationships

5 Incredible Aspects Of Love That Will Increase Your Loving In Relationships


Love is a very powerful human emotion. It is a feeling of intense affection towards something or someone. It could be the love of a person, love of a partner, love of sports, or love of self. Love is like the grease that keeps the entire world running. It is responsible for creating communities and systems that we rely on through procreation. Love is also responsible for creating our connections for abstract items such as movies, music, and food. In the coming paragraphs, we will look at these various characteristics of love. 

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

Love is defined by God

For the Christian doctrine, God is love. God is a being that is capable of an infinite amount of love. In the Bible, love is defined as agape love. This love is simply God’s love for humankind. This love then translates to humans and into their interpersonal relationships. One of the most important parts of the Bible is centered around Jesus’s love for humanity, that he was willing to die for them. That is why the book of John in the Bible says, “For God so loves the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” A crucial part of Jesus’ teaching was always centered around love. His greatest commandment was, “love others as you love yourself.” Learn more with God’s love Bible verses.

Love fights for each other

Love fights for each other. You cannot say you love someone and not be willing to go to war for them. Now, this doesn’t mean you take up battles that do not concern you. What it means is that you lift each other up for better and for worse. You do not leave your friends, family, lovers, or others hanging. You cannot say you love someone and not be willing to stand up for them and stick by them when the going gets tough. Your love should outweigh your fear of conflict. 

For instance, if your best friend is being wrongfully accused of theft by the majority. If you genuinely love them, you would stick by them and fight to clear their name. Also, fighting for who you love doesn’t always mean sticking by them during an adversary. It means sticking by them when a situation is making you both fall out of love with each other. For instance, when you are separated by distance, your love fights to keep you connected. Love is hard work, but the hard work is worth it.

Love is something we do despite the other person’s imperfection and brokenness

No one is perfect. We all have our faults, flaws, and negative sides. We cannot control the people we love, but we can love them regardless. To truly love someone, we must have seen them at their worst, and this means sticking by them even when they may not even deserve it at that moment. To be honest, this is a very illogical concept, but the thing about love is that it defies logic. Where all rational thought says leave, love says continue.

However, loving someone despite their faults is tricky. The thing about love is that it can blind you and make you unaware of the abuse you may face. It can blind your eye under the guise of sticking by someone despite their flaws. Unfortunately, sometimes that is what love is. However, be careful that you do not use the fact that you love someone to mean that you can receive harm of any kind. Always love other people as you love yourself, never more than yourself. For instance, you can love someone despite the fact that they are terrible with money. However, this doesn’t mean that the loved party would not try and get better. In fact, someone who loves you back would do right by you despite their flaws.

Love results in action

Love is work. There is a saying that love at first sight without work is love only at first sight. After you have fallen in love with someone or something, you need to put in the work to make it last. You have to choose to love every day. For example, you may have a passion for writing. After much stress, you find your dream job at a writing firm. However, you shouldn’t just relent. Loving the job is one thing but putting your all into the position is another. There are days you would feel like hating the job. In fact, there are days you will hate the job entirely! But that doesn’t mean you would quit because every day, you would actively put in the work.

The same goes for our relationships with others. If we love each other, it will show in our actions. It would show in the way we speak, the way we talk to each other, and the gifts we give. We would go out of our way to help, and when things aren’t rosy, we won’t leave. We would keep pushing and striving. 

Love is unconditional

If you love someone based on a condition, then that is not love at all. It is something else. Love is irrational at the very core. It doesn’t follow set rules. It just is. We should be willing to give out love without any reason to receive it back. That may sound harsh, but that is what love is. No matter how much you love a person, there is no guarantee that the person will love you back. This, however, doesn’t mean that we should not love each other. What it means is that we should love people for who they are.


Love is patient, kind, unconditional, comforting, empathetic, understanding, committed, compassionate, and understanding. Love is everywhere. It is the singular most powerful emotion in the world.

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