Monday, May 20, 2024
Partner PostsAndrew Laird of Wholeness Coaching with Andrew and Sarah on How to...

Andrew Laird of Wholeness Coaching with Andrew and Sarah on How to Overcome Struggle, Find Your Why and Maximize Life’s Potential

In recent years, the global discourse surrounding work-life balance has come to the forefront. This conversation has become even more urgent since the COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, the average citizen spent more time at home, using the hours typically allocated for commuting to connect with loved ones and pursue hobbies. Furthermore, many people used this historic global pause to re-evaluate their lives and how they spend their time. This did not only lead to more focus on mental and physical health, but it also led to a revolution in the workforce. As employees quit en masse to prioritize careers they were passionate about and others quietly quit by slowly giving less effort to corporate jobs that did not reciprocate support, these trends speak for themselves.

Understandably, as society grapples with these questions and new trends, there has been a noticeable increase in influencers and life coaches looking to guide people. To this point, there is no shortage of social media influencers offering their opinions and courses on a wide array of subjects. While social media has certainly democratized access to ideas and online communities to people who may have never been exposed otherwise, the superficial and economic incentives of the social media influencer infrastructure make it difficult to separate the signal from the noise.

The consumer demand for life coaching is clearly there as people flock to social media for advice and guidance. However, these platforms often only offer the lowest common denominator advice. This is precisely why individuals who actually have life coaching certification, and the life experiences and perspectives to speak from, are more necessary than ever.

Enter Andrew Laird, the transformational life coach behind Wholeness Coaching with Andrew and Sarah. Andrew is the ideal life coach not only because of his official training and certifications, but also because of his past success in real estate and financial services as well as his personal story of overcoming tragedy. Sarah is the ideal partner for Andrew as they have known each other since they were 15 years old and she has cultivated an impressive 25-year career in education in the UK and Europe.

Unfortunately, in 2015 Andrew’s wife was diagnosed with a brain tumour. She underwent emergency surgery 48 hours after the diagnosis but, due to complications during surgery, she went into a vegetative state for two years. This was an extremely challenging time for Andrew as he was not only caring for his wife and trying to work through his own emotions but he was also tasked with the full-time care of his 5 children, in addition to his profession. Even more tragically, during this same period, Andrew’s mother and father also passed away. This left Andrew going through the worst struggles of his life without his traditional support system, still needing to be there and strong for his children. Essentially on autopilot, trying his best to get through each day since his wife’s diagnosis, Andrew knew he had to dig deep and get himself out of his depressive situation.

In 2019, Andrew completed an Ironman event for his 50th birthday, jump-starting his recovery. Contemplating his next move in life, Andrew realized he no longer wanted to go back to financial services. Tapping into his why, Andrew felt the drive to help others. At this time, many of his friends and colleagues that knew his personal and professional story encouraged him to become a life coach.

As Andrew got acclimated to the idea of becoming a life coach, he wanted to formalize his skills to offer his future clients the most thorough services possible. Andrew started researching the market and discovered The Wholeness School in America, a six-month personal development program with men’s and women’s divisions. Andrew approached Sarah, who was a teacher for 25 years, to take the course with him. The two got certified and decided to team up with the founders of the men’s and women’s schools in America; January and Ryan Donovan and Bill Schneiders, to bring the first iteration of The Wholeness School to the UK.

Now, Wholeness Coaching offers comprehensive life coaching services to both men and women online as well as at their facility in the UK. They have Private Coaching services, Wholeness Coaching for Men, Wholeness Coaching for Women, Wholeness Coaching for Couples, and the ability to stay at The Wholeness Centre. These courses are at least six months because Andrew and Sarah want to ensure that clients receive lasting results that continue to provide value once the programs end. Despite officially starting in 2022, Wholeness Coaching with Andrew and Sarah is already resonating with clients. Some students have already started an alumni group to continue to stay in touch and continue building community.

All of the programs follow the tenants of The Wholeness School. The Wholeness School does not overemphasize monetary wealth and instead focuses on human formation, considering the whole person. The Wholeness School differentiates itself from other personal development philosophies out there due to its comprehensive approach considering everything from self-image to spirituality to nutrition, fitness, emotional and mental health to friendships and family to intimacy and relationships to contribution and to one’s environment as well.

This all-encompassing method is in stark contrast to even industry leaders like Tony Robbins who focus on health, wealth, and relationships. Andrew and Sarah understand that the seemingly different aspects of one’s life can either positively or negatively affect each other and that any solution to a single part of one’s life inherently involves the other parts.

Drawing on his life experiences, unparalleled perspective and formal training, Andrew Laird has been training to be a life coach his entire life, whether he knew it or not. Now that he has made it to the other side of the major hurdles in his life and has teamed up with Sarah, Andrew is stepping into his new role with confidence and poise. Building on a strong first year, 2023 is sure to be a year of growth for the Wholeness Coaching with Andrew and Sarah brand. We will be sure to follow their next moves closely as they continue to transform the lives of clients around the UK and the world.

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