Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tag: drugs

Drugs crackdown continues in Aberdeen

THE latest phase of Operation Maple has seen 40 people stopped and searched for drugs across Aberdeen. Over the past three days, officers have been...

Syringe horror at new allotment site

PLANS for an allotment had to be put on hold after horrified council workers discovered more than a dozen used syringes on the site. Instead...

£8k of cannabis seized

POLICE have recovered cannabis plants worth more than £8000 in a raid on a local house. On Monday, May 2, following information received from the...

Two arrested over BMW drug find

TWO people have been arrested and charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act after Lothian and Borders Police recovered Class A and B drugs...

Five people charged over drug offences

A recent operation by the Nigg local policing team in Garthdee and Kincorth has led to five people being charged over drugs offences. The operation,...

Adults illicit drug use figures falling

The Scottish Government today welcomed new statistics that show illicit drug use in Scotland is continuing to decrease. Figures published today show that the number...

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