Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Partner PostsWhat is The Best Treatment for Low Testosterone?

What is The Best Treatment for Low Testosterone?

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, produced by the testicles and also the adrenal glands in small quantities.  

It has a huge part to play in the daily bodily functions, especially in developing the secondary sexual characteristics in men. 

It regulates bone mass, distribution of fat, muscle mass, strength, sperm production and sex drive. 

Testosterone is produced by both males  and females, although in females it is produced in little quantities.

Men are known to produce testosterone as early as 7 weeks after conception. The levels of testosterone rise up during puberty and reach their peak in the late teens.

After a man turns 30, his testosterone levels start declining gradually every year.. 

The declining testosterone levels  can affect the male reproductive system. This T hormone is quite significant in the development of male the reproductive tissues like the testes and prostate

Man leaning on his bed thinking hard with awoman in a white shirt
The best treatment for low Testosterone Photo on unsplash by Charles Deluvio

Importance of Testosterone

  • Plays an important role in the development of bones and muscle mass. 
  • Regulates the growth of facial and pubic hair.
  • Responsible for regulating the verbal memory and thinking ability. 
  • Moderates development of deeper voices in men. 
  • Regulates the mood and keeps anxiety and depression at bay. 
  • Aids the production of red blood cells through the bone marrow. 

What Are the Possible Causes of Low Testosterone in the Male Body? 

  • Injury: An infection or a physical injury to the testicles may cause them to produce the T- hormone in fairly low amounts. 
  • Treatment of cancer: If you have recently undergone radiation or chemotherapy for cancer, testosterone levels may decrease. 
  • Hypogonadism: If your body produces low amounts of testosterone it could be due to the condition called hypogonadism. In this condition the functional activity of gonads is diminished.
  • Stress: Severe emotional stress can act negatively upon the testosterone levels in the body. 
  • Aging: Age is the biggest factor behind the decrease in testosterone levels. After 30 years, T- levels start decreasing by 1% every year. 

Other health conditions like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, alcoholism and smoking can also result in a decrease in testosterone.

Testosterone Therapy 

Testosterone replacement therapy can help treat hypogonadism and can improve the levels of testosterone.

To become fully sexually functional, it might take up to 6 months. Doctors usually prescribe drugs that are injected into the body or taken in the form of pellets and patches

Although testosterone therapy may help re-balance your T-levels and increase your libido, it may also have long-term harmful side effects such as trouble in breathing while sleeping, cardiovascular diseases, acne, decreased stream of urine and even prostate abnormalities.

Besides, there is no guarantee whether therapy will be 100% effective

Therefore before turning to T-therapy you can try to increase your testosterone levels with some scientifically backed natural ways with no adverse side-effects. 

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally?

It’s not necessary that only a chronic illness, physical injury or aging can affect your testosterone levels. The overall lifestyle has a lot to do. These are some of the ways by which you can boost the testosterone production in your body:

  • Balanced Diet 

A healthy and nutritious diet can help to regulate healthy testosterone levels in the body. Be careful about what you consume and monitor the quantity properly because overeating is one of the primary causes that can affect the hormone levels.

A balanced diet includes healthy fats, carbohydrates, whole foods and of course, proteins. You can also incorporate certain testosterone boosting food items like tuna, spinach, garlic, egg yolks to make it more effective. 

Ingredients like Ashwagandha, Fenugreek and ginger may also be helpful in this respect. 

  • Proper Sleep 

It is a well-established fact that lack of quality sleep can disrupt the hormone levels in the body. According to a medical study, it was shown how testosterone levels in men dropped considerably due to lack of sleep. 

It is very important to sleep for 7-8 hours every night to maintain proper testosterone levels. Make sure to follow a healthy sleep schedule because staying awake at night can also trigger hunger and develop the habit of overeating. 

  • Regular Physical Activity

Medical studies have proved that men who are physically active on a regular basis will have healthy testosterone levels. Not only it promotes weight loss but it also produces endorphins that are directly connected to the testicular endocrine function. 

Early morning exercising can yield several health benefits aside from increasing your testosterone levels. Although, any type of physical activity counts, resistance training is seen to be highly effective.

Other than that, you can also go for HIIT workouts like doing jump lunges, jump squats or high knees for 15 mins to half an hour

However, make sure not to overdo in this respect. Too much exercising can reflect poorly upon the testosterone levels. 

  • Vitamin Supplements

Some men take testosterone boosting agents and vitamin supplements to deal with the condition. For instance, vitamin D is extremely crucial in this situation i.e., it can increase the testosterone levels efficiently. 

Aside from eating food that is rich in vitamin D, 15 minutes of direct exposure to sunlight can also help with this. You can also take supplements for this purpose. 

  • Testosterone Boosters

You can also turn to testosterone boosters that can stimulate the production of this hormone naturally in the body and help to maintain the healthy levels. 

There are only a few Testosterone Boosters available in the online market today that are backed by science so make sure to do your research before opting for one. 

Testogen and Testofuel are two of the most popular testosterone boosters, made completely from organic ingredients. 

These supplements can increase stamina, strength, libido and energy levels in men along with boosted T hormone.

Made from natural and tested ingredients, these testosterone boosters promote the formation of lean muscle mass, increases stamina, energizes the body, improves your focus and regulates the mood


Weight management is essential to testosterone production in the body. Healthy sleeping, maintaining a balanced diet and exercising- everything is interconnected. 

If you want to optimize testosterone production naturally, follow a healthy lifestyle that will not only regulate a proper hormonal balance but also prove to be immensely helpful in maintaining your psychological and physiological health.

Daily workouts including HIIT and weight lifting should be followed religiously.

Although not all the cases of testosterone deficiency can benefit from a lifestyle change, so you can incorporate Vitamins supplements and testosterone boosters in your regular diet.

But before starting with any new product your body has never tried before, make sure to consult with your doctor, especially if you are currently on any other medications


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