Monday, May 20, 2024
Partner Posts9 Out Of 10 People Who Use CBD Report Reduced Stress Levels

9 Out Of 10 People Who Use CBD Report Reduced Stress Levels

There’s a better than one in two chance that you are experiencing a heightened stress level right now. According to the American Institute of Stress, 55% of American adults face this potentially debilitating condition on any given day. And if not today, then finances, work, or demands at home will more than likely increase your stress levels at some point this week.

By all accounts and statistics, it is perfectly normal to feel stressed out in the modern world.

But does it have to be the norm? Or is there something you can do to alleviate some of the anxiety, worry, tension, and nervousness that seems to have such a stranglehold on your life?

The answer is a resounding yes, according to the latest research involving natural hemp-based medicines.

Photo by CRYSTALWEED cannabis on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard personal stories from friends and family about how CBD has helped them relieve stress, reduce pain, or sleep better at night. The vast amount of cannabis research over the last several decades shows those anecdotal stories are rooted in real science.

The Science of CBD

Researchers have found that Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, interacts with various receptor sites in the central nervous system. These sites, including endocannabinoid and serotoninergic 5-HT receptors, are responsible for everything from pain mitigation and inflammation control to stress response and sleep cycles.

The biological and chemical mechanisms of action observed by researchers have been confirmed in real-world clinical studies involving thousands of Cannabidiol users.

A recent analysis from Springer Nature, a leading international medical and technology publishing organization, reviewed over 100 studies, surveys, and investigations involving CBD from cannabis researchers worldwide. They found that individuals and doctors are increasingly using CBD as an initial treatment for emotional health concerns like stress, anxiety, and depression.

In a cross-sectional study from the Journal of Cannabis Research involving 387 adult users of CBD who took the natural medicine over three to six months, participants reported significant improvements in sleep, lowered stress, and reduced anxiety.

Perhaps most notably, an incredible 92% of respondents reported feeling less stressed while taking CBD, and over 40% of users reported better sleep.

When asked how CBD makes them feel, study participants overwhelmingly answered, “I feel calmer.”

But the benefits of CBD don’t just stop at stress reduction. In the same study, the second most common answer given was, “I have decreased pain,” a statement that yet again validates the scientific mechanism of action of CBD in the human body.

How much CBD should you take?

One recent meta-analysis of clinical studies indicates that some users may benefit after taking just a single dose of CBD. Although, the most significant results are experienced with regular use over several weeks to months.

There is no standard dosage level across the many cannabis studies reviewed in the meta-analysis. Daily doses ranged from 25 mg of CBD to 600 mg of CBD in one study involving patients with anxiety. Other studies showed participants using doses of up to 1,500 mg CBD daily.

According to, which provides a CBD dosage chart and guide based on extensive clinical research, every CBD user is different. New CBD users should use a titration process by starting with a low dose and gradually increasing the amount they take over several days or weeks until they find the optimal amount of CBD that’s right for them. Finding the best CBD dose for you depends on several factors, including body weight, individual tolerance levels, and how you take it (sublingually, orally, topically, or by vaping).

Most users prefer to take CBD in the form of a CBD oil tincture, based on clinical research. The preferred CBD delivery method for the vast majority of users is sublingual. When you take CBD sublingually, you hold the CBD oil under the tongue for thirty seconds to two minutes. Taking CBD orally in the form of a CBD softgel capsule is the next most popular method. Lastly, raw CBD concentrates are used for vaping and dabbing as well as in foods and baked goods.

When taken sublingually, CBD is absorbed into the body over a period of one hour, with effects reaching their peak in about four hours. When taken orally and swallowed, CBD is absorbed over one to three hours with a more extended peak time frame of about eight hours. When raw concentrates are vaped or dabbed, CBD is absorbed within minutes. Edibles made with CBD concentrate absorb in about an hour and last for up to eight hours.

CBD Safety

CBD is not only powerful but also very safe and generally well-tolerated by over 99% of users.

Unlike its infamous co-cannabinoid THC, which is known for its psychoactive effects, CBD doesn’t cause any feelings of getting “high” or “stoned.”

Springer Nature’s analysis of clinical studies found that CBD will not cause euphoria, excitement, intoxication, paranoia, addiction, or cognitive or psychomotor impairment.

Cannabiva’s dosage guide shows that CBD has a rare incidence of side effects when used as directed in doses up to 1.5 mg per pound (3.3 mg per kg) of body weight. The most common side effects are experienced by less than 0.5% of users and may include dry mouth, increased thirst, appetite changes, stomach upset, or drowsiness. Any side effects from taking CBD are transient and will resolve with a lower dosage or within 4 to 6 hours after the last dose is taken.

What comes next for CBD?

CBD has grown in popularity over the last few years and will continue to do so as more research into its benefits emerges.

It is one of the most promising natural medicines available, with millions of people finding it as an option to relieve the most prevalent health concerns, including stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and inflammation.

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