Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Partner PostsDo’s and don’ts of disciplinary procedures

Do’s and don’ts of disciplinary procedures

Sometimes, employees will conduct themselves in an inappropriate manner. While the severity of this issue will vary drastically, it’s not so much a question of if something will happen as it is when it’ll happen.

As a result, it’s important that everyone in your organisation is clear on how disciplinary procedures will be carried out. While it can sometimes be necessary to carry out disciplinary procedures, they need to be done in a careful manner, to avoid any unnecessary escalations or further issues, and to keep any associated costs as low as possible.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Do focus on growth

While disciplinary procedures are often framed as a negative occurrence, it’s possible and indeed important that they’re treated as an opportunity for growth. Remember that the aim of the procedure is to help the employee in question become better at their role, to become a better asset to the organisation.

Offer guidance and support, and provide feedback in a constructive manner. This can be brought together in a comprehensive improvement plan that might include mentorship and training. While these steps won’t work with all employees, it’s important that they’re carefully considered, especially if dismissal is not an option.

Don’t be rash with dismissal

Unfair dismissal can be a massive issue in a wide range of circumstances. It can lead to lengthy, costly employment tribunals that can be quite harmful to the organisation in question, but more than that, it’s often used as a first option when it should be a last resort.

What’s really important is that you follow the processes that you’ve included in your company handbook. Commonly, this will include a verbal warning, first written warning, final written warning, suspension, and then only if all of those have failed, termination of contract.

Do adjust your response depending on the case

Your disciplinary procedures need to be able to accommodate a wide range of different scenarios, and not everything will require a similar response. For example, how to treat regular tardiness will be very different to an allegation of something as serious as sexual misconduct in the workplace. Make sure that your procedures can accommodate such a range of instances, and then be diligent in applying the appropriate response.

Don’t forget to inform the employee of their rights

Employees undergoing disciplinary procedures will likely have multiple rights that they may wish to make use of. They must be provided with information about the investigation and disciplinary procedures, and be allowed to bring a legal representative to any tribunals. While this may all be outlined in your company handbook, it’s often helpful to lay this information out explicitly in the case of a specific disciplinary procedure.

This is a sensitive subject that requires adequate care; if you have any concerns about your company’s disciplinary procedure, it’s important that you reach out to an HR consultant. They will be able to help ensure that your procedures are both legally compliant and maximally effective at their intended purpose.

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