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Partner PostsHow Healthcare Tech is Changing Patient Care, Interview with Sina Bari, MD  

How Healthcare Tech is Changing Patient Care, Interview with Sina Bari, MD  

The healthcare industry, too, is undergoing dramatic transformations thanks to technology, according to Dr. Sina Bari. Surgical precision and accuracy are improving thanks to scanning systems, robotics, and analytics. As a result of robots, hospitals can also lower their costs. Sina explains how these advances are transforming medicine.

Faster Communication Between Patients and Doctors

“It’s now easier for patients to contact their doctors directly instead of waiting on hold or dealing with a receptionist,” says Sina Bari, MD. Thanks to many startups, patients are interacting with their providers in a different language. Currently, English and Spanish are supported. Dr. Bari notes that faster communication systems have also improved medical records. Electronic medical records are becoming more common in hospitals and private practices. This simplified filing process allows patients to switch from one provider to another easily.

Artificial Intelligence To Help Diagnose and Treat Diseases

Healthcare is about to undergo a revolution thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). As a result of the ability to mine medical records, Dr. Sina Bari says that AI algorithms can create treatment plans, develop drugs at a faster pace, and identify cancerous and noncancerous tissues faster than any current doctor.

Recently, Google’s DeerMind developed artificial intelligence to analyze breast cancer. The new algorithm’s performance was outperformed by 11.5% by human radiologists when tested against pre-cleared breast cancer data sets.

Faster Prescriptions With Digital Dispensing Programs

Smartphones and smart wearable apps for prescriptions are being developed by several startups, according to Sina Bari, MD. They are designed to notify patients when their prescriptions need to be renewed, and their medicines need to be refilled. Some pharmaceutical companies are also offering digital doctor visits through apps. For example, the CVS pharmacy chain announced in 2018 that it will offer virtual visits across the country.

Wearables, Sensors, and Trackers for Healthcare

Dr. Sina Bari points out that patients’ and individuals’ empowerment is closely connected to the future of healthcare and medicine as they use wearables, health trackers, and sensors to better care for their health. With these devices, we can better understand our health and take more control of our lives.

It is possible to keep track of sleep and workouts with devices such as the Fitbit Ionic, refine a workout routine with the Polar H10, and meditate with the Muse headband. According to Dr. Sina Bari, many apps and trackers are available for tracking your health.

You can find a device to meet your needs, regardless of whether you are trying to manage your stress level, weight, cognitive abilities, or feeling more energetic and healthy overall. The patient can monitor their health and remotely share the results with the doctor. Using these devices, Sina Bari, MD, believes that individuals can take control of their health and make better decisions.

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