Thursday, May 9, 2024
Partner PostsHow To Ride On A Poor Road Surface With Potholes

How To Ride On A Poor Road Surface With Potholes

Potholes are created when water seeps into cracks in the surface of the road and expands in cold weather, causing gaps which are then broken down by the traffic.

As a cyclist, riding on a poor road surface with potholes can be both dangerous and uncomfortable.This is especially true during cold weather months when snow or ice melts and refreezes overnight, creating deep crevices that can cause serious damage to your bike, as well as yourself if you take a tumble.

Photo by Gabriel Garcia Marengo on Unsplash

Here in the UK, potholes are a problem, due to a combination of our climate, weather conditions throughout Autumn, Winter and Spring. According to The Asphalt Industry Alliance, local councils and authorities spent £93.6 million repairing 1.7 million potholes in 2020-2021, that’s a pothole being filled every 19 seconds.

To ensure your safety while cycling on roads with potholes, here are some tips for navigating these treacherous surfaces.

Understand The Risks & Dangers of Riding On A Road With Potholes

It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with riding on a road littered with potholes, such as reduced visibility due to standing water or debris, and uneven surfaces that can easily cause you to lose control of your bike if you hit one at speed.

You should also keep an eye out for any deep crevices that may have formed, as these can be particularly hazardous if you hit them at speed.

How To Prepare Your Bike For Riding On A Poor Road Surface

Before you set off, it’s important to ensure that your bike is ready for the hustle and bustle of a pothole-ridden road. Make sure that your tyres are properly inflated so they can handle the rough terrain, and check that all other components of your bike are in working order.

It’s also important to check the brakes and gears before you set off, as these can be particularly vulnerable when riding over large potholes.

Learn How To Spot & Avoid Potholes When Cycling

In order to stay safe on the roads, you should learn how to spot potholes from a distance. It’s important to keep an eye out for any uneven surfaces or patches of water that could indicate the presence of a pothole.

Once you have spotted one, it’s important to slow down and take a wide berth around it, while maintaining control of your bike.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are able to safely and comfortably navigate the roads and potholes in the UK, regardless of how rough they may be.

Invest In Appropriate Safety Gear

It’s always wise to invest in appropriate safety gear when riding a bike on poor roads. A good quality helmet, knee and elbow pads, as well as gloves can help to protect you from any potential falls or injuries that may occur due to potholes.

Cycling safety gear will not only reduce the risk of serious injury, but they will also give you peace of mind knowing that you are properly protected if the worst should happen.

Keeping these tips in mind will help to ensure that your ride is as safe and comfortable as possible. Remember to take extra precautions when riding in areas with poor road surfaces, as these can be particularly hazardous for cyclists.

Use Caution When Navigating Around Obstacles, Including Parked Cars & Other Cyclists

It’s also important to remain attentive and use caution when navigating around obstacles, including parked cars, pedestrians and other cyclists.

By remaining aware of your surroundings, you can ensure that you don’t accidentally ride into a pothole or over an uneven surface that could cause serious injury.

Finally, it is always important to remember the importance of bike maintenance, as regular servicing and tune-ups can help to ensure that your bicycle is in peak condition at all times.

By taking these steps, you can be sure that your bike will be able to handle the tough terrain encountered on roads with potholes.

Navigating poor road surfaces with potholes can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and preparation you can remain safe while enjoying your ride.

By understanding the risks associated with this type of terrain and equipping yourself with cycling safety gear, you can make sure that you arrive at your destination safely and comfortably.

How To Ride Over An Unavoidable Pothole

If you do find yourself in a situation where you cannot avoid hitting an unavoidable pothole, it is important to remain as calm as possible and keep your speed slow.

It’s also important to get low on the bike and spread your weight evenly over both wheels, in order to reduce the impact of hitting the uneven surface.

Report Dangerous Roads & Potholes To Local Councils For Repair

Finally, it’s important to remember that you can help to improve the state of roads in your area by reporting potholes and dangerous road conditions to local councils.

By doing this, you can ensure that these problems are addressed quickly and efficiently, so that other cyclists don’t have to face the same dangers.


Riding on roads with potholes can be a hazardous task, but by following these tips you can ensure that your ride is as safe and comfortable as possible. Investing in appropriate safety gear, remaining aware of your surroundings and keeping your bike well-maintained will all help to increase the safety and enjoyment of your ride.

Remember, if you do suffer a serious injury, it is important to seek medical attention immediately, and consider making a cycling injury or pothole damage claim if you’re left with damage to your bicycle or your own health.

Finally, remember that you can help to improve road safety for all users in your area by reporting dangerous road conditions such as potholes to local councils.

By doing this, you can ensure that these problems are dealt with quickly and efficiently so that other cyclists don’t have to face the same difficulties as you!

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