Sunday, May 12, 2024
Partner PostsAlex Ricker-Gilbert Offers Tips for Aspiring College Athletes

Alex Ricker-Gilbert Offers Tips for Aspiring College Athletes

Playing sports continues to be a popular activity for kids and high school students nationwide. For many high school athletes, an ultimate dream is to play in college and even earn a scholarship. Alex Ricker-Gilbert is an accomplished and award-winning college athletic director that has seen many athletes earn and be awarded these scholarships. He, along with others in the field, offer various tips that can be followed by aspiring athletes that are looking to participate in college athletics.

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

Work Hard and Show Progress

One of the tips that Alex Ricker-Gilbert will give to aspiring athletes is always to work hard and show progress. Those that are progressing up the ranks in high school can start to be looked at by recruiters at a young age. These recruiters will want to see that you are getting better at your sport, stronger, and more skilled. This will show that you are dedicated and are willing to put in the work, which will be necessary in college.

Do Well in the Classroom

Alex Ricker-Gilbert and others will also recommend that you do well in the classroom. While college programs will want you to do well on the field, they also want to ensure you do well in the classroom. Those who perform well academically and on the major standardized tests will appeal more to colleges that want to show their athletes perform well academically. Due to this, you should always work hard at school as well as on the field.

Use Social Media Properly

One of the greatest tools that a high school athlete has today is access to social media and online recruiting platforms. Using these correctly lets you showcase your skills and connect with recruiters. However, making mistakes online and saying the wrong thing could be a detriment to your recruiting. Due to this, it is important that you are responsible online and do not say things or post pictures that you would regret.

Alex Ricker-Gilbert Suggests you Be Proactive

Most people think of college scholarships and assume that athletes need to be found. While many are found at a young age, it does not have to work that way. It never hurts to be proactive with college scouts and athletic departments. Making phone calls and sending emails to recruiters can be a great way to get in their ear. This can open up more opportunities for you. You should also attend networking and recruiting events, which could allow you to meet these coaches, athletes, and recruiters in person throughout your process to build relationships.  

Playing college sports and earning a scholarship is many athletes’ goals and dreams. For those looking to achieve this, following the tips provided by Alex Ricker-Gilbert and others is always a good idea. Various tips can be followed that will improve someone’s chances of being able to play the sport they love in college. 

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