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Partner PostsTop Players and Teams: Key Factors in eSports Betting

Top Players and Teams: Key Factors in eSports Betting

You can do many things to become a stronger bettor and win more cash. Choosing a favorite player/team is one of them. Focusing on a single team/player betting will make your wagers sharper, increasing their accuracy. However, it is not the only benefit it entails. You’ll find the rest on this page. While also discovering an instruction on how to pick and start wagering on a single competitor.

Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Why Should I Bet On Top Players/Teams

Before we tell you how to pick a top player/team to bet on, let’s explain why this makes sense. We’ll do it by presenting the benefits of this betting approach. Here are the main ones.

Conducting Pre-Game Analysis Becomes Easier

When betting on a single performer, it would be easier to conduct a pre-game analysis. You’ll follow the team/player’s social pages, discovering news on his trainings, roster changes, and physical/mental players state. You’ll be constantly up to date.

Conversely, if you are switching from competitor to competitor all the time, you need to do an analysis each time. So you’ll have to repeat a boring process of checking eSports news, reading social pages, etc.

Bigger Competitors Invited to All Events

When you bet on the best teams/players, you can be sure you’ll see them in the next big event. Thanks to their top performance and big name, event managers just can’t avoid inviting them.

This means you always have a team/player you know within a tournament. So that’s a safe and intuitive option for your next bet.

Safer Betting

Top teams/players perform very well. So they’ll destroy most opponents on their way to the event’s apex.

It means you can pull off several safe bets with your favorite team/players. Even though the odds won’t be that high, you can increase your bet amount. It shouldn’t stress you, considering you bet on the team you are very familiar with.

You’ll Have More Betting Markets to Choose From

When top teams/players perform, it attracts more bettors. Bookmakers will feature more betting markets for them, so you have more options. Also, an increased number of betting markets lets you make more total wagers and win more cash.

But remember that only outstanding bookies offer many betting lines. Yes, even for the top players’ matches. Use this platform to find the best site for eSports betting. It presents you with their pros and cons in a brief format. So choosing a proper bookie won’t take long.

Top Competitors Perform Longer During Event

Top players/teams have enough skill to remain till the final tournament games. So you can stick with betting on them within the entire event. And this translates into more accurate bets and money.

Become a Team’s/Player’s Fan

Tracking and betting on the same competitor for longer can make you its real fan. It opens for you several fun-inducing activities. For instance, big eSports teams regularly conduct giveaways and fan-engaging events. You can participate in them and win prizes. Also, you can even join real-life fan meetings and communicate with like-minded people.

How to Pick a Top Team/Player to Bet On

We hope some of these incentives were strong even for you to attend to choose a top competitor for consistent betting. Now let’s look at several ways to pick a team/player for betting.

Check Out the Leaderboards

The first thing that comes to mind when you look for the best-performing team/player is eSports leaderboards. You can easily find several ones using Google Search. And then, just look at the teams in the first places on the list.

Within leaderboards, you can check not only the team’s/player’s total ratings but their recent performances and other stats. However, most players find leaderboard information insufficient. That’s why this next source might be convenient.

Watching Team’s/Player’s Streams/Replays

Want to get more familiar with competitor’s playstyle? Nothing is more helpful for such cases than watching teams/players in action.

First, you can try to catch competitors in live. But this is not always possible. That’s when you switch to YouTube. It contains plenty of match replays you can use for gathering information. Aim for the most recent ones.

Watch/Read Analytics

There are plenty of eSports analytics out there. And they often give pretty good predictions and overviews of your game’s pro scene. And that’s what you should look for.

Use their guides to spot a team that does well at the moment. Or it would be even better if you’ll find a team that is about to pop. And then start learning it. Watch its replays and read relevant news. In several hours of examining, you’ll have a solid team you can bet on.

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