Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Partner Posts5 Ways Maintenance Can Save You Money on Car Repairs 

5 Ways Maintenance Can Save You Money on Car Repairs 

Owning and maintaining a car can be an expensive endeavour. With the constant need for petrol, insurance, tax, MOTs and general upkeep, the costs really add up. However, there are ways drivers can minimise expenses and save money through consistent maintenance and quick repairs when needed. Being proactive with basic maintenance like oil changes, fluid checks, tyre rotations, and more can significantly extend the life of your vehicle. Here are five maintenance tips that can save you money on car repairs:  

Photo by Kate Ibragimova on Unsplash

1. Get Regular Oil Changes 

One of the easiest ways to keep your engine healthy is to get regular oil changes. Most mechanics recommend changing your oil every 3,000-5,000 miles. By frequently changing the oil, you’ll avoid the buildup of dirt and grime that can damage internal engine components. The cost of an oil change is far less than having to replace an entire engine! 

2. Replace Air Filters 

Replacing air filters is an often-overlooked maintenance task. Over time, air filters can become clogged with debris, which restricts airflow to the engine. This can lead to decreased fuel economy and performance. Replacing air filters every 12,000-15,000 miles takes just minutes and costs under £20 for most vehicles. It’s easy preventative maintenance that shouldn’t be ignored. 

3. Get Timely Tyre Rotations 

Rotating your tyres helps them wear evenly, extending their lifespan. It also ensures your tread depth remains adequate for safe driving. By swapping tyre positions every 5,000-8,000 miles, you’ll avoid premature tyre wear. The cost is minimal compared to purchasing new tyres, which can cost over £100 each, depending on the brand! 

4. Check Fluids Frequently 

Fluids like brake fluid, power steering fluid and coolant should be topped up if they are low and changed at proper intervals. Letting these fluids get too low can result in major component failure. For example, driving with insufficient brake fluid can severely damage your brake system. Be proactive by opening the bonnet regularly to check all fluids. Topping them up when needed could prevent repairs costing hundreds of pounds. 

5. Address Small Problems Quickly 

Never ignore any new noises, leaks, or other unusual symptoms in your car. Addressing minor problems quickly can prevent them from escalating into major repair bills. For example, a tiny leak could lead to costly gasket repairs if left unchecked. Likewise, a small chip in the windscreen could lead to you needing a whole new windscreen if you don’t get it repaired quickly. Mechanics and windscreen replacement London specialists can help you with the required maintenance, saving you money in the long term. No matter what, inspect your car often and have small issues diagnosed right away. Fixing them early is much more affordable. 

By making car maintenance a priority, you can extend the life of your vehicle and avoid unforeseen breakdowns. Be proactive with oil changes, fluid checks, tyre rotations, and more. Also, be sure to address any minor issues before they become major. Your wallet will thank you! 

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