Tuesday, May 7, 2024
NewsAnimal NewsWarning as "deadly" sea creatures spotted around west coast of Scotland

Warning as “deadly” sea creatures spotted around west coast of Scotland

A WARNING has been issued after several rare and dangerous Portuguese Man O’ War sea creatures were spotted around the west coast of Scotland.

Wild swimming guides at Immerse Hebrides have revealed that one of the “deadly” creatures was found at Nisabost Beach on the Isle of Harris yesterday.

Portuguese Man O’ War, also known as the Man of War, looks similar to a jellyfish with long blue tentacles and a pink inflatable bladder which sits above the water.

(C) Rachel Plant

The sting from them can be severe and can often paralyse or kill fish – and even be fatal to dogs swimming around in the sea.

They are not native to British waters but are often spotted around UK beaches from time to time – resulting in public warnings being issued.

Stings can be excruciatingly painful and leave red welts on the skin that can often last up to three days.

In very rare cases their venomous sting can be fatal to humans.

A woman, Rachel Plant, stumbled across the one on Nisabost Beach and snapped a picture to alert others.

The image shows a rounded clear jelly-like creature laying in the sand with shades of purple and blue inside it.

Immerse Hebrides posted a warning on Facebook yesterday, writing: “This comes with a wee bit of a warning I’m afraid. Today on Nisabost beach a Portuguese Man O’War was found by Rachel Plant.

Portuguese Man O' War
Another look at the appearance of a Man O’ War

“For those who don’t know, they have a nasty sting and although their float is pretty small their tentacles can be metres long.

“Be vigilant when swimming, wear full neoprene or a stinger suit and if head down swimming make sure your goggles have clear vision.

“If you get stung by any jellyfish, rinse with sea water, scrape along the area with a bank card, tell someone, take painkillers and anti-histamine and then run it under very hot water for as long as you can.

“Do not use vinegar or urine according to the NHS (2021). If concerned at all go to A&E.”

They added: “There’s been a few spotted unfortunately.

“Anything that gets into its tentacles is at risk of serious harm. Even fish are at risk.

“According to Blue Planet, there’s only one fish that doesn’t get stung.”

Hundreds of social media users were left shocked by the discovery.

Sue Merrick said: “Wow, that’s crazy. Thank you for the heads up.”

Tri-na Mul said: “Awww f**k. Not what any skin swimmer wants to read but thanks for sharing.. Good to know.”

Julia McKendrick said: “Oh no. My wetsuit, boots and gloves staying firmly on.”

Although similar to a jellyfish, the Portuguese Man O’ War is in fact not a single living creature.

It is a colony of thousands of different organisms, known as polyps, which all perform different functions and work together to create what looks like a single animal.

They cannot swim so rely on the currents and wind to carry them along.

They often clump together in groups of thousands and drift through the sea with their long dangling tentacles stinging and trapping large fish which they digest afterwards.

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