Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: Edinburgh Zoo

Edinburgh pandas “could be ready to mate next week”

AS TEMPERATURES have risen across the UK, so has Sweetie the panda’s hormones and the countdown is now on to her potential breeding date. The...

PICTURE SPECIAL: Panda takes the plunge

Male panda Yang Guang enjoyed the gorgeous Edinburgh weather this morning with a dip in his pond. Unlike female Tian Tian, whose interest in her...

Edinburgh Zoo pandas could be closer to mating

THE pandas at Edinburgh zoo are showing signs they may be ready to mate. Excitement rippled round Edinburgh Zoo this morning as female panda Tian...

Penguin parade with a difference at Edinburgh Zoo

A penguin parade with a difference took place today as 29 Gentoo penguins moved to a new home within Edinburgh Zoo. Giving a whole new...

Zoo holds p-p-p-pick up a penguin parade

A penguin parade with a difference will take place tomorrow as 29 Gentoo penguins move to a new home within Edinburgh Zoo. The birds will...

Zoo hoping Lynx effect will encourage panda love-making

Edinburgh Zoo are hoping to encourage their most famous residents to make panda cubs – using the Lynx effect. With mating season just about to...

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