Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: Facebook

Red Facebook: Social media site says Broxburn is in Fife

SOCIAL networking giant Facebook has upset hundreds of residents living in a Scottish town with a slip-up which lists their location on the wrong...

Kate Middleton proves she’s no fake

KATE Middleton was “furious” that she had to convince a social media giant she was real after they suspended her account. Facebook disabled her account...

Stress links to Facebook friends, say researchers

THE more Facebook ‘friends’ you have the more likely you are to feel stressed out, according to a new study by Scottish researchers. Psychologists from...

Prince William and Kate Middleton to marry next year

PRINCE William is to marry his long term girlfriend Kate Middleton, it has been announced today. The couple, who have been together for eight years,...

Police target people who use Facebook and Twitter behind the wheel

SCOTLAND’S top road safety police chief has pledged to crack down on smart phone users who use Facebook and Twitter behind the wheel. Chief Superintendent...

Divorcing couples told to stay away from 'bitter twitter' rows

By Christine Lavelle AN EDINBURGH law firm has advised feuding couples to stay away from social networking sites until their divorces have been settled. A family...

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