Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: net zero

Storymap shows sustainable features and events for Cop26

AN interactive map is helping residents and visitors discover more about sustainability in one of Scotland’s biggest cities. Providing personalised walking routes to key sites,...

Danish firm invests £25m in eco research building on outskirts of Edinburgh

WORK started today on a £25m eco research facility that will help pave the way towards net zero emissions. The new building, on the outskirts...

Partnership programme is helping small businesses go green

A new partnership programme is empowering Scottish companies to improve their sustainability and become leaders in tackling climate change. The University of Edinburgh and Royal...

Millions of pounds awarded to technology centre for net-zero research

Millions of pounds have been awarded to a technology centre that aims to accelerate Scotland’s net-zero economy. Net Zero Technology Centre has been given a...

A residential development is “going green” to support net zero ambitions

A HOUSING development in Edinburgh is “going green” with a new proposal to reduce the number of parking spaces on-site. As part of The Western...

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