Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tag: scottish borders

Pregnant pause: Rally halted as spectator goes into labour at side of track

HUNDREDS of rally drivers and their supercars were delayed from racing – after a pregnant spectator thought she was going in to labour. Gwen Richardson...

Senior police officer reduced women to “nothing more than prostitutes” in speech

A SENIOR Scots police officer has been accused of reducing women to “nothing more than prostitutes” in an after-dinner speech. It has been alleged Superintendant...

Hiker left in coma by leaking gas stove in tent making recovery

A CAMPER who almost killed by a leaking stove in his tent has woken from a coma and is making a good recovery. Hiker Phil...

William Wallace stronghold land on sale for £1m

A HISTORIC land holding which was once a stronghold for William Wallace and a battle ground for the Border Reivers is being sold for...

Councils demand birth certificates to prove need for bigger wheelie bin

SCOTS councils are demanding that families requesting bigger wheelie bins hand over birth certificates to prove they aren’t lying about the number of children...

Councillors use FoI laws to force information from their own council

FRUSTRATED Scottish councillors are using the Freedom of Information Act to get information  - from their own council. Three councillors at Scottish...

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