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Partner Posts4 tips for an effective virtual conference

4 tips for an effective virtual conference

The popularity of online events has increased along with the popularity of face-to-face events since the pandemic. It is likely that virtual conferences will become even more popular as they offer lots of benefits, are much cheaper than traditional conferences, and can be attended by people from around the world. Here are 4 tips to help you have an effective virtual meeting.

  1. Think about the principles first

It is common for virtual conference organisers to forget that the principles of a successful conference are the same as those for a traditional conference. We only differ in that we look into cameras while talking and listening to each other. So rule number one to organise an effective virtual conference is to accept the principles.

What are the principles? Firstly, focus on the topic, which should be gripping and contemporary. Then, think about money.  Will you pay for everything on your own, or do you need sponsors?  If you invite famous and recognised speakers, more people will be willing to participate in your event. They will also love a detailed plan of the conference. 

Online conferences are less expensive than traditional conferences because you aren’t concerned about the venue, staff, or catering. The cost of a reliable and powerful digital platform for hosting the conference will vary depending on how big the conference will be. 

2. Choose the conference format suited for your needs 

Depending on your needs, topic and planned size, you can choose one of the following types of a virtual conference:

  • Multipoint group virtual conference is the most popular form, for both conference and meeting available at the same time. The maximum number of participants depends on the software you choose, most often it’s recommended for a big audience. It’s great for interactive contact with the participants. 
  • virtual round table streamingit’s a great form of streaming, with room for questions from the audience. 
  • Virtual classroom – a great tool for webinars, and online education
  • Hybrid conferences – some of the participants meet the speakers face-to-face, while others join the conference online. 

 3. Invest into reliable equipment 

The best speakers will not make a virtual conference outstanding if the audience struggles to hear or see the speaker due to poor audio-visual equipment. That’s why reliable audio-visual equipment is a must.

Find a trustworthy digital platform, check its functions beforehand to make sure it has all features the speakers need. Find out of the platform allows to share speakers content, interact with the participants, or create separate rooms for discussions in smaller teams. 

The place the speakers will be giving their presentation from should be well-equipped too. Make sure there is enough light and a comfortable place for them to sit, a good quality web camera and a microphone. 

4. Trust the professionals

Inexperienced conference organisers generally find it difficult to manage a virtual conference. Therefore, it is worth trusting the professionals who know exactly what to do to ensure a successful conference.

In addition to audio-visual equipment, ticketing, digital platforms, and networking opportunities, they will ensure the smooth implementation of all planned activities. By removing the stress and responsibility from the conference, you will feel more like a participant.

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