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Partner PostsPlugin software vs custom software: what is the right choice?

Plugin software vs custom software: what is the right choice?

Your project is ready to take off: all you need is to figure out if you should choose plugin software or hire a custom software development company. Which one should you go with?

User opinions are divided on this matter for a simple reason: they are beneficial in different situations. Both approaches can deliver good results, but the choice between one and another boils down to how you want to apply them and, of course, what are your business goals and needs.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

You cannot make an informed decision without learning everything you need to know about your options, so today we are exploring the concepts of plugin software and custom software, what they are, and which is the best.

What Is Plugin Software?

A plugin is a piece of code or software that you can install on your website to add new functions to a program. Plugins can be inserted into your platform easily and quickly, as the developer does not have to build everything from scratch. 

This software helps save time, which helps reduce expenditure simultaneously since the developer can finish the project in less time. Another characteristic that helps reduce costs is the fact that plugins are a cheap option for website development since a) there are plenty of free options, and b) paid plugins are still among the most inexpensive types of development software.

What is more, plugins give developers the opportunity to customise the websites by installing necessary features that improve the site. 

However, they come with a few cons. Plugins depend heavily on updates – missing them will lead to partial malfunction. And these updates are frequent, so the chance to miss one is significant. Also, plugins that are not updated or have low quality leave your website more vulnerable to hacks. Moreover, plugins affect the page speed due to the loading of additional JavaScript and CSS files and even limit the functionality of your website.

What Is Custom Software?

Custom software comprises the design, creation, deployment, and maintenance of a website. With this type of software, the developer writes the code from scratch. This allows them to insert specific functions into a program, which is ideal for specialised businesses that need specific software, such as banking organisations.

Custom software is software that allows businesses to get unique solutions for their clients. And the fact that it is tailor-made makes it flexible. Additionally, custom software can get you a high ROI in the long run. And because developers can inbuild security into the software, it is more difficult to hack. 

Nonetheless, it is significantly time-consuming and requires a large initial investment, contrary to plugin software.

Which Is the Best?

The answer is not one or the other. It is both, each for different tasks, according to what your website needs. 

The foundation of the website, that is, the core functionality needs custom software. It is more reliable because it does not depend on frequent updates, is safer from intrusions, and allows you to have a tailor-made platform that best meets your client’s needs and solves their problems. 

But plugin software can play a relevant role as well. At a reduced number, plugins can enhance your website by adding processes that improve the user experience. 

Final Notes  

Long story short: combination is key when choosing development software. 

Instead of choosing one or another, combine both types of software to create the best website for your business. 

With a strong custom core and added enriching functionalities from the plugins, you are sure to achieve the best solutions for your customers. 

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