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Partner PostsChallenges that the oil industry can face while using blockchain

Challenges that the oil industry can face while using blockchain

The challenges in managing oil trading relationships and securing oil inventories, the oil industry is also facing challenges in information management. Platforms like come up with the best trading algorithm that is highly suitable for beginner bitcoin traders. It is where blockchain comes into play, as it can achieve several advantages for producers and consumers.

 In this post, we explore the challenges that blockchain poses for the oil industry; how people can address these issues through blockchain; what organizations are facing such challenges today; and finally, some solutions to these problems regarding the tokenization of assets in supply chains. Blockchain has enormous potential to transform how participants in the oil industry work together.

Photo by Maria Lupan on Unsplash

Current challenges in oil supply chains

The oil industry is facing several challenges that slow its progress while making it vulnerable to competitors. In addition to these challenges, companies also suffer from increasing costs due to regulations and compliance-related issues. All of these issues can be addressed by people through using blockchain technology; however, before we explore how companies can implement blockchain, let’s first look at some of the problems faced by oil companies today:

Security is the biggest challenge faced by all parties involved in the oil value chain. A lack of transparency and trust exists in all shipping, production, and distribution areas. Oil companies, OSPs, brokers, transporters, and exporters all need more transparency in their supply chains.

To safeguard against any losses incurred during oil transportation from one point to another (depot to shipping point, for example), accurate history is required of all supplies involved in the value chain. This history should cover deliveries and information about quality and quantities at different points in time. Breaking down this information into blocks (digitized data) can be used to protect against any falsifying or manipulating of data.

Also, to protect against theft and fraud, it is necessary to know the origin of the products. Of course, this involves detailed documentation and extensive record-keeping. And here again, blockchain can be applied to create a trustworthy record of each step in the supply chain.

Oil transportation is a very costly business. For example, the transportation of oil tankers has been estimated at $7 billion per month! Also, due to imprecise tracking systems in place today, it is difficult to state when an oil tank will arrive at its destination port.

Challenges while using blockchain technology in the oil industry:

Regulatory challenges:

When implementing blockchain in the oil industry, regulators must be on board. However, handing over control and responsibility of this technology to such parties will present challenges. To ensure regulatory compliance about storing data related to shipping and distribution, start-ups are partnering with blockchain platforms to handle these matters themselves.

Data management challenges:

It means that companies will have an opportunity to collect more data for analysis. The challenge is that this data may be spread across multiple locations, and companies would need an accurate way of collecting them together for analysis and verification purposes. For this purpose, the supply chain will need a system that can help not only manage the information in a platform-neutral manner but also provide comprehensive analytics.

Smart contracts:

Another great advantage of blockchain is its ability to provide smart contract functionality. In other words, as a participant in the oil value chain, you will be able to create agreements between you and your supplier based on conditions specified within the contracts. The use of smart contracts can minimize and minimize the risks involved in transactions, as it allows for much more efficient and secure processing of data. Even though blockchain technology can help to streamline business processes and increase security, we need to realize that there are limits to all technologies.

Challenges in security:

Oil companies need to be able to protect against any information leaks that may harm the reputations of their customers and partners. Also, hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities in new technology that people can use to their advantage. It is why it is essential to provide a sufficient level of protection against any breaches in security. While blockchain brings considerable advantages to the oil industry, it also poses specific challenges that companies must address before its implementation.

Adoption challenges:

While the adoption of blockchain technology may be slow at the beginning, as there is no specific implementation that companies can use to onboard all companies in the oil industry, this process will accelerate as time goes on. However, there is also the possibility that some variations in blockchain technology can become a problem for different organizations. Therefore, companies must look into what kind of approach they must take when integrating blockchain technology.

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