Monday, June 10, 2024
EntertainmentREVIEW - Hen's Teeth Productions - Love You More

REVIEW – Hen’s Teeth Productions – Love You More


FRIENDSHIP is a complex journey.

We attach. We reattach. We meet new people. We grow up. Everyone experiences their life in a different way, and Love You More, written by Gill Cowen, addresses just that.

Just how do perspectives and friendships change over time?

Hen's Teeth Productions' show Love You More appears at the Edinburgh Fringe.
Love You More takes a look into how perspectives change everything. (Image provided by Hen’s Teeth Productions)

Megan is a two-dimensional, quiet student. An invisible girl. She likes Charlie. Charlie does not know who she is.

It feels like we’ve all heard this story before.

A cup of tea marks the start of this rollercoaster of a friendship.

The eloquent script that accompanies the characters adds to the intense development of their friendship.

Dialogues unfold that weave and blend the phases of their camaraderie in an orginal and creative way.

Time goes by, and their relationship goes through the inevitable stages of life. For Charlie the world is her oyster. For Megan, Charlie is the oyster.

She idolizes her friend and puts her on a pedestal, often making the audience uncomfortable and unsettled with her borderline obsession.

To Megan, Charlie is everything. For Charlie, Megan is her friend. Just her friend.

The acting is what really makes the plot step out of the ordinary. Both actresses get under the skin of their characters as they grow up.

The pair are outstandingly convincing, and engage us from the first moment. It is them who truly make the play come to life.

Thanks to their performance, I empathised with both characters easily. For the one who gives too much and for the one who is suffocated by this overwhelming…love?

Unfortunately, the show does miss something to make it uniquely special, something to make it scream amongst this typical storyline in theatre.

It falls a bit short of stardom. Maybe a different plot twist could have made it thrive a bit more.

Although Love You More follows a traditional plot, its acting and script are what make it distinctive.

If you’re looking for a rock-solid acting performance at this year’s Fringe, then this is the show for you.

To read more of Deadline News’ dedicated coverage of the Edinburgh Fringe click here.

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