Friday, May 3, 2024

Pic by Lorenzo Dalberto/Deadline...Edinburgh Zoo's chimpanzees have a special reason to enjoy this week's heat wave. To help keep the chimps cool, keepers have been preparing some much-loved frozen treats.  ..Dee Masters, team leader of the Budongo Trail and Living Links said: "The frozen treats are a lot like healthy ice lollies.  We mix fruit juice and chopped fruit, sometimes honey and peanuts too, and freeze them. .."We do all sorts of different flavours, even herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint, but tomorrow we'll be giving them blackcurrant juice with pieces of banana frozen inside, and frozen mashed banana with wheat.  It's a big treat for our chimpanzees, so we are expecting lots of excited 'pant hoot' calls, which is how our chimps communicate that there is something good to eat."..Pic shows one of the chimps enjoying the cold treats. (Lorenzo Dalberto/Deadline)

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