Monday, May 6, 2024
NewsWave the size of a lighthouse batters Scottish coast

Wave the size of a lighthouse batters Scottish coast

An amateur photographer captured images of waves reaching the same height as a 120ft lighthouse as storms blasted the north-west of Scotland.

Another brave snapper managed captured the moment a 200-meter waterfall was “blown backwards” on the Isle of Skye.

The west coast and the Highlands and Islands were on high alert with a Met office ‘be prepared’ warning in place.

Waves in excess of 25m were predicted for the Isle of Lewis as islanders saw the sea turn wild.

The Butt of Lewis Lighthouse in Ness before being battered by a wave as tall as itself


But local photographer John Gray took photographs of waves almost engulfing the Butt of Lewis Lighthouse in Ness, Isle of Lewis which stands at a staggering 121 ft or 37 meters high.

The sequence of pictures were taken at 10am yesterday morning (Wednesday) as the whole of the island was in shutdown.

Power was out for 17,000 people in the Western Isles as the shots were being taken.

On Skye, Dave Liley photographed water was being blown back up the cliffs of Toravaig.

The gravity defying moment was uploaded to social media with the caption: “A sure sign that the weather is turning nasty is when the waterfalls start heading in the opposite direction.”

Ann Broberg commented on the snap: “Hold onto your hat and keep your kilt down.”

John Brandon joked: “Reminds me of the time I peed into the wind.”

A waterfall on the Isle of Skye goes with the flow - being blown skyward by gale-force winds
A waterfall on the Isle of Skye goes with the flow – being blown skyward by gale-force winds


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