Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Tag: marines

Ex-Royal Marine who confided in friend that he skips meals so his son can eat overwhelmed after receiving food parcels

AN EX-ROYAL Marine who told his friend that he skips meals so his son can eat has been left overwhelmed after being delivered boxes...

Royal Marine gets tips from chimps at Edinburgh Zoo on how to climb ropes

A ROYAL Marine who will attempt to climb the height of three Eiffel Towers to set a rope-climbing world record has been taking tips...

Thieving eBay scammer hopes to join Royal Marines

By Michael MacLeod A WOULD-BE Royal Marine has escaped a jail term after being caught selling over £18,000 of stolen camping gear on eBay. Andrew...

Marine’s career on-hold for selling stolen kit on eBay

By Michael MacLeod AN aspiring Marine has had his entry to the Forces suspended after being caught selling over £18,000 of stolen camping gear...

No court appearance for Kenny Richey

By Michael MacLeod FORMER death row Scot Kenny Richey will be allowed to stay in America after Scottish prosecutors dropped charges against him claiming he...

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