Monday, June 17, 2024

Tag: Scotland

Scots links with China grow with state visit next week

Scotland’s links with China continue to go from strength to strength with the visit of Shandong’s Vice Governor Jia and his delegation next week. During...

Noisy buskers could be told to pipe down

Noisy buskers could be told to pipe down, following complaints that they are driving shoppers away. Council officials in Glasgow have received a string of...

Travel customer told Newcastle is a city in Scotland

A BUDGET  travel company have been left red-faced after insisting that Newcastle is in Scotland. A Scots traveller was left angered when he was told...

Scots herbal remedy store faces closure over new EU laws

NEW EU laws are threatening one of Scotland’s oldest herbal remedy firms. Napiers, which has been trading for 150 yrears, has gone into provisional liquidation...

Paralysed man is fundraising for stem cell treatment to help him walk again

A MAN who was paralysed after being stabbed in the back with a chisel is taking part in a marathon to raise funds for...

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