Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Partner PostsFuturologist predicts what Christmas will be like in 2050

Futurologist predicts what Christmas will be like in 2050

From food to gifts, from homes to climate; new technologies will drastically alter what Christmas is like for families over the next few decades, but what exactly will Christmas look like by 2050?

The heating and energy company Viessmann published thoughts from renowned futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson which explore exactly how the holidays might look thirty years in the future, and some of the predictions are quite amazing.

Families around the world will no longer the stressful experience of cooking a full Christmas dinner, the futurologist suggests.

Dr. Ian Pearson predicts that even the average household will be equipped with robots to assist in the kitchen.

Photo by Matt Zhang on Unsplash

He believes that these robots will be programmed with abilities such as automatic chopping and 3D food printing. Furthermore, they will be able to be set with timers to ensure everything is cooked to perfection.

Dr. Ian Pearson also told the business that meat as we know it will be a thing of the past by 2050. He spoke of “tissue-cultured meat,” which is a food source that is created by harvesting muscle cells from living animals.

Tissue cultured meat will allow families to enjoy the taste of all our Christmas favourites – beef, turkey and chicken – without any harm coming to the animals that produce them. This change is growing more and more likely as people move away from a meat diet.

No need to decorate your home in the future, either. The colours, patterns and textures of a house will be able to change with just the click of a button, according to Dr. Ian Pearson.

Meanwhile, already-popular smart home technology will only get more advanced and become increasingly commonplace by 2050 allowing homes to manage their own energy usage to be more conservative and eco-friendly.

The Christmas of the future is not only a result of societal changes; it is also a response to developing technologies and environmental issues. It will be interesting to see how many of these predictions come true.


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