Thursday, May 9, 2024
Partner PostsHow to Clean the Interior of an Automobile

How to Clean the Interior of an Automobile

Most owners spend several hours in their cars daily, and just like your house, a car’s interior will also need intricate care and maintenance to keep it looking fresh and inviting. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to detail a car’s interior or spend several hundred dollars to get it cleaned. Websites like CarHP will help you through the process of finding the right solutions/services on how to keep your interior clean.

Cleaning your car’s interior will help you breathe easy, declutter your storage areas, and make it look and smell new again. Depending on your usage patterns, your car may require a clean every week or every month. Other factors like kids, location, climate, and more also affect the interior and how fast they get dirty. Cleaning the interior will also improve safety, as debris on the floor and dirty windows can affect visibility and handling. So, let’s get started on how to clean your car and some tips on keeping it in the best condition.

driving - Research News Scotland
Photo by Jaromír Kavan on Unsplash. At 70mph a car travels over 100 feet every second.

1. Picking up the trash

The first and most simple step is to check the cabin thoroughly and get rid of all the trash, receipts, cups, and more. Check all the door pockets, glove box, floors, and the boot for any trash and get rid of it. Some debris can also get under the seats and pedals. Cleaning out the glovebox and other storage areas will also help you liberate more space.

2. Cleaning the floor mats

Once all the loose trash and debris are cleaned out, the next step is to take out all the floor mats and clean them outside the car. Rubber mats can be cleaned using water jets and then left to dry before reinstallation. Using a brush will also help loosen up some of the mud and sand stuck between the ruts. However, if you use carpeted mats, it’s best to use some specialized carpet cleaner to remove all the stains.

3. Vacuuming

Once the mats are out, it’s time to give the interior a good vacuuming. Start with the carpets and then move on to the seats, door bins, and obscured areas. Also, vacuum the trunk and storage areas near it to remove all the loose debris. Handheld vacuums can be a great help, giving you better access to all areas like under the pedals, side door panels, and more.

4. Cleaning the windows and glass areas

The inside surfaces of all the windows can also get grime and dirt on them, obscuring vision to a certain extent. Cleaning windows is relatively easy and just needs a diluted soap solution. First off, get a microfiber cloth and use the solution to clean the whole area. Move the windows to access all the crevices and make sure you cover all the windows and even the sunroof. Once clear of all the fingerprints, ensure no solution is left on the glass areas. 

5. Dashboard and center console

The dashboard and nearby areas can get covered in dust and grime with extended usage. The vents can also get dirty from dust. Start by using a duster to remove all the loose grime and then finish off by swiping clean the whole area with a microfiber cloth. Make sure you cover all areas including the narrow space below the windshield, near the vents, and more. The center console will also need special attention, especially the cupholders which can easily get dirty.

6. Clean the steering wheel and gear knob

Disinfecting the steering wheel and gear knob using a wipe will help remove the build-up of all the germs and bacteria. If your car has a leather-wrapped steering wheel, using a leather cleaner will help remove all the embedded grime and give it a smooth feeling. However, take care not to use any harsh chemicals on leather to avoid damaging it. 

7. Cleaning and treating the seats

The type of cleaning you do depends on what type of seats your car has. Leather seats are usually harder to maintain and will require cleaners made for them specifically. Start by spraying some on the seats and wiping it off with a microfiber cloth. Once all the grime is gone, use a leather conditioner to finish the process and give the seats a shine. Using conditioner will also help avoid cracks in the future and help the seats remain supple. In the case of fabric or cloth seats, start by vacuuming the seats to remove all the loose dirt and then using an upholstery cleaner. For heavily soiled seats, use powdered bleach and vacuum it up after a while. A brush can remove all the hard dirt and then wipe down all areas with water. Along with the seats, it’s also a good idea to clean the seatbelts with upholstery cleaner. Bleach can be used in case of heavy stains and grime.

8. Wiping down the door panels and plastics

Depending on the material, use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe down all the plastics and door panels. Then use a dashboard dresser or similar solution to wipe down all the areas to give them a shiny new look. 

9. Getting rid of odors

If your car is starting to smell a bit stale, the simplest solution is to sprinkle baking soda on surfaces like the carpets and seats, letting it absorb all the odors overnight. Finally, vacuum it away after a day. If odors still remain, upholstery odor removers can be used.

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