Friday, May 3, 2024
In Brief22,000 people live monitoring Priti Patel's flight home

22,000 people live monitoring Priti Patel’s flight home

MORE than 22,000 people are live-tracking Priti Patel’s flight back to the UK this afternoon.

Flightradar24, a website which allows aircraft to be tracked in real time, revealed unusual interest in the progress of a Kenya Airways Nairobi to Heathrow Boeing 787-8.

MORE than 22,000 people are live-tracking Priti Patel’s flight back to the UK this afternoon.

In a tweet sent out by plane tracking operators, they wrote: “More than 22,000 users are currently tracking flight #KQ100 en route to London. According to media #PritiPatel is on board this flight”

More than 300 social media users have retweeted the post with some Tweeters commenting.

@MerrickBadger wrote: “If I were her I would be knee deep in empty miniatures by now.”

@andrewgscott said: “If you switch to 3D view, you can see her being pushed out the door.”

@markymarkevony commented: “Long enough flight for her to update her CV, my guess is she will be sacked by dinner time”

Flightradar24, a website which allows aircraft to be tracked in real time, revealed unusual interest in the progress of a Kenya Airways Nairobi to Heathrow Boeing 787-8.

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