Saturday, May 4, 2024
NewsUK & WorldCharity walker raising money for Breast Cancer set to arrive in Scotland

Charity walker raising money for Breast Cancer set to arrive in Scotland

BEN Chapman, raised in Derbyshire, set off on a challenge to walk the length of the UK in the hope of raising £10,000 for Prevent Breast Cancer.

The 28-year-old left his job in recruitment to make time for the challenge, where he will average a marathon per day as he walks 1,956km in two months.

After setting off from Land’s End, the southwesternmost point of England, on the 17th of April, Ben’s route will see him pass the Scottish border on the morning of the 20th May then continuing up towards Jedburgh, Edinburgh, Rowandennan, Fort William, Inverness, Brora and finally end up in John O’Groats.

Following eight weeks, Ben plans to reach John O’Groats, his final destination, on the 13th June where his closest family and friends will be there to celebrate his achievement

Ben posing with sign
Ben began his journey at Land’s End in Cornwall

Ben decided to take on the challenge after seeing first-hand the impact breast cancer can have. Having watched his mum and close friends, some his own age, battle cancer and go through rounds of chemotherapy, Ben has witnessed how difficult being diagnosed with, and fighting this type of cancer, can be.

Ben decided to raise funds for Prevent Breast Cancer After seeing the life-saving research it has funded into preventing breast cancer for future generations. 

Ben said: “Watching my mum and close friends go through treatment for breast cancer was tough and I vowed to do everything I can to prevent anyone else suffering the way they did.

“I was inspired to take on this challenge after seeing a friend walk the length of the country and thought it would be a great way to fundraise to help fund research for breast cancer. My mum was fortunate to have caught her breast cancer at a really early stage, but I know that many haven’t been as fortunate, and I would love to try and help in any way possible

“Once I knew my plan, I then had to decide who I wanted to fundraise for, and after reading about Prevent Breast Cancer and the positive work they are doing to prevent people ever being diagnosed with this terrible disease, it felt like a no brainer as it was exactly in line with how I felt.”

According to Cancer Research UK, breast cancer survival is improving and has doubled in the last 40 years in the UK. 

New approved treatments from NHS Scotland such as Tucatinib targets cancerous cells and is hoped to be an alternative medicine for breast cancer patients that don’t respond to current treatment options. 

So far on Ben’s journey he has wild camped across the south of England, including a night on the highest peak in Cornwall. He has walked through towns and villages where he was welcomed with supporters who heard about his journey.

tent used for Ben's camping
Ben has been camping throughout his journey

Ben has been touched by the generosity he has experienced from by-standers during his challenge. From meals donated from local restaurants to free nights at hotels, Ben has been gratified by the kindness of others. 

Ben said: “Breast cancer touches everyone, whether it be you yourself, or someone you know, everyone experiences breast cancer in some way. 

“During my challenge, I’ve walked into pubs and restaurants and received a warm welcome, often receiving extra donations, a free meal and even a place to stay for the night, all because people understand the importance of fundraising for charities like Prevent Breast Cancer. I even got a free night’s stay in the pub featured in ‘Hot Fuzz’ thanks to the generosity of the owners.” 

He wears a sign stating “walking the length of the UK for breast cancer research” on his backpack at all times. This sign has encouraged people from all walks of life to open up to Ben on his walks and open up about losing their partners and how harrowing breast cancer can be. 

Ben with cows and backpack
Ben wears a sign on his backpack at all times to raise attention to the cause

He has also been updating his whereabouts on social media, followers can join him on Instagram page on @Bensbigwalk.

On Ben’s next leg of the journey, he will be walking through Derbyshire, the county where he was raised, up towards Manchester near the Prevent Breast Cancer charity headquarters and then up towards Loch Ness, where his parents will meet him for part of the walk. 

In the following weeks Ben will be walking through Edinburgh on the 27th May, Fort Williams on the 4th June and Inverness on the 7th June. 

To donate to Ben’s just giving page click here to help fund lifesaving research on breast cancer.

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