Saturday, May 4, 2024
NewsLocal NewsWhite van man rescues swan in rush hour traffic

White van man rescues swan in rush hour traffic

A KIND hearted white van man stopped in the middle of rush hour traffic to show a lost swan some ‘luv’ as it lay in a gutter.

Derek Spratt, 37, from Stenhouse in Edinburgh, saw the swan lying at the side of the busy Queensferry Road as he made his way home from work shortly after 5pm on Wednesday.

After checking that the stranded bird was still alive and checking the tag on the animal’s leg which read LUV, he called the Scottish RSPB.

He said: “I saw it lying in the gutter at first I thought it was dead but then it looked up.

“I thought it might be injured so I pulled in front of it to protect it from the oncoming traffic.

“I waited with it for an hour and a half and then it just took off over the cars towards Inverleith pond before the RSPB got here.

“I stayed for 10 to 15 minutes just to make sure it didn’t come back so I assume that it made it ok.”

“I took a note of the tag, it just read LUV so I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it.”

The drama caused delays for some drivers making their way home during rush hour traffic.

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