Wednesday, May 8, 2024
MultimediaPix - Ice patrol vehicles takes control

Pix – Ice patrol vehicles takes control

New ice patrol vehicles are being deployed to improve Scotland’s resilience said Transport Minister Keith Brown today.
The vehicles will be fully equipped with mobile ice sensors and if they are deemed successful after a pilot phase, they will be used by all Transport Scotland’s operating companies’ winter fleet.
The pilot to determine if the idea is valid is just one of the measures being implemented as part of the six point plan made earlier this winter. Other measures include new target response time of 30 minutes for priority routes which will now be monitored by patrols, including eight additional vehicles.
Brown said on the matter:
“This work is clear evidence of our efforts to proactively improve Scotland’s winter service” and that “these new measures will provide Transport Scotland and road operating companies with more tools to help tackle the effects of severe weather, keeping our road network moving and Scotland open for business”

And that “the new kits will provide additional real time information about temperatures on the network, allowing for targeted response- which will now be made within 30 minutes for priority routes with high traffic volumes”.

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