Saturday, May 4, 2024
1‘Scotland’s Oldest Man’ goes to the Edinburgh Festival

‘Scotland’s Oldest Man’ goes to the Edinburgh Festival


By Alexander Lawrie

THE MAN dubbed ‘Scotland’s Oldest Man’ claims climbing Munros and contentment with his lot have prolonged his life.

Sprightly Edward Robertson, 102, became the oldest festival goer in the country when he attended a wartime concert show in Edinburgh yesterday.

A Special Constable during the war, Mr Robertson said he was delighted to have the chance to have a sing-along with the cast of ‘It’s A Lovely Day Tomorrow’.

The popular show is based around the D-Day memories of writer and cast member Lynn Radnedge’s uncle.

And Mr Robertson, from Edinburgh, revealed coming back to the small city centre church hall brought back warm memories as he had last set foot in the hall in 1946 when he attended a war memorial service.

Mr Robertson, who was born in May 1907, said: “It’s been a long time since I was in this hall and although my eyesight is failing fast it doesn’t look like it’s changed a bit.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing the show and hear all the old wartime songs again – it’ll bring back so many memories.”

Brother killed in action

Mr Robertson said he witnessed the first German Zeppelin to drop bombs on Edinburgh city centre in 1916, just days after learning his older brother had been killed in action.

He was also witness to the first German WWII bomber that was shot down in the Firth of Forth in 1939.

The Scottish centurion was born into a soft drinks family and puts that fact down to his dislike of alcohol – but admitted his love of the country’s mountains have kept him fit and healthy.

He said: “I loved climbing munros and really believe that has helped me live so long, in fact I climbed Ben Nevis for the first time on my 65th birthday.

“But I think the most important thing is life is for people to be content with their lives. We would all be a bit happier if we stopped coveting things we can never attain and just accepted what we have.”

Mr Robertson, whose wife Elizabeth passed away in 2000, aged 91, still lives in his own home and travelled to the concert show with members of the day care centre he attends.

Thora Bisset, manager at Clermiston Day Centre, said: “Although Eddie is a real character, his main charm is that he is so unassuming and quiet. He never brags about anything, even though he’s done so much in his life.

“I’ve still not had it officially confirmed but after the death of Mr Taggart we believe Eddie is the oldest man in the country.”

Bob Taggart, from Lanarkshire, was the oldest man in Scotland when he passed away last week, aged 109, leaving Mr Robertson to inherit the title.

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